The training materials listed below are organized by the UNECE Housing and Land Management Unit in cooperation with the Geneva UN Charter Centres of Excellence and UNECE partner organizations. They can be organized at national, local and regional level, on requests of governments and organizations, and subject to availability of funding.
Training course on High-Performance Buildings
Existing legislation and responsible government agencies
Main barriers in implementation of high-performance standards for various building types, including multi-apartment buildings
Energy efficiency standards in new construction. Private and municipal multi-apartment buildings and public buildings. Practical experience in UNECE countries
Retrofits of existing building stock and application of high performance energy efficiency standards
The role of legal framework and standards in attracting energy efficiency investments, for new construction and retrofits in UNECE countries
Brief overview of issues related to financing of buildings
Towards Energy-efficient Homes in UNECE the region
Draft outline for a national training
Draft outline for a regional training
Useful links:
Promoting affordable housing
Draft outline of a training
Useful links
Improving management of the housing stock in the UNECE region
Draft outline of a training
Useful links: