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Displaying Results 1041 - 1060 of 2835

- English
The National Policy Dialogues is the main operational instrument of the EU Water Initiative (EUWI), an international partnership that aims to contribute to the achievement of the water related Millennium Development Goals. UNECE is the strategic partner supporting the policy dialogue process on IWRM. The OECD is the strategic partner for water supply and sanitation. Romanian Ministry of
- English
Traceability refers to the completeness of and the ability to access the information about each step in a process or a supply chain. It is the ability to chronologically interrelate uniquely identifiable entities in a verifiable way. In the food industry, it contributes to food safety and brings economic benefits, as it provides reassuring information to consumers and makes it possible to
- English
This bilingual (English/Russian) publication  (ECE/TRADE/418) presents the results of the International Conference on “Standards and Regulatory Systems”, held in Geneva on 19 November 2013 and organized by UNECE in cooperation with the Russian Union of Industrialists and
- English
In modern, competitive economies, knowledge-based innovation is the foundation for economic development. Sustained growth and improved living standards can only be obtained by increasing productivity and introducing new and better products and services that compete successfully in the global market.    This publication is the result of a participatory policy advisory service
- English
Seed potato certification is the process of assuring the quality of seed potatoes being marketed, usually done nationally according to regulated standards. Planting healthy seed potatoes is a key factor in maximizing the production of usable potatoes for consumption or processing. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Standard for Seed Potatoes sets
- Pусский
В Рованиемийском плане действий для лесного сектора в условиях развития “зеленой” экономики, принятом 13 декабря 2013 года в Финляндии, описываются меры, которые мог бы принять лесной сектор региона ЕЭК ООН, с тем чтобы содействовать развитию формирую-щейся “зеленой” экономики на глобальном уровне. В нем определены
- Français
Le Plan d'action de Rovaniemi relatif au secteur forestier dans le contexte d'une économie verte, qui a été adopte le 13 décembre 2013 en Finlande, décrit comment le secteur forestier région de la CEE pourrait ouvrir la voie à l'économie verte qui se dessine a l'échelle mondiale.11 définit une vision d'ensemble, des objectifs et des activités spécifiques et indique les acteurs qui
- English
The Rovaniemi Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy, adopted on 13 December 2013 in Finland, describes how the forest sector in the UNECE region could lead the way towards the emerging green economy at the global level. It provides an overall vision, objectives and specific activities, and
- Pусский
Сертификация семенного картофеля представляет собой процесс обеспечения качества семенного картофеля, реализуемого на рынке. Обычно сертификация проводится на национальном уровне согласно установленным стандартам. Посадка здорового семенного картофеля является одним из ключевых факторов увеличения производства пригодного для потребления и переработки картофеля. В стандарте Европейской
- Français
La certification des plants de pomme de terre est l’aboutissement d’un processus de contrôle visant à garantir la qualité des plants commercialisés; elle est en principe réalisée selon des normes règlementaires nationales. Utiliser des plants sains est un facteur déterminant pour porter à son maximum la production de pommes de terre susceptibles d’être consommées ou transformées. La norme pour
- English
Seed potato certification is the process of assuring the quality of seed potatoes being marketed, usually done nationally according to regulated standards. Planting healthy seed potatoes is a key factor in maximizing the production of usable potatoes for consumption or processing. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Standard for Seed Potatoes sets out a common terminology
- English
Guide is available in Chinese, English, French and Russian. If you would require a hard copy of the Guide please contact the secretariat at [email protected]Read More ENGFRE
- English
The second EPR of Croatia examines the progress made by Croatia in the management of its environment since the country was first reviewed in 1999. The second review covers policymaking, planning, implementation and the financing of environmental policies and projects, as well as the protection of water resources, biodiversity and protected areas. It also looks into environmental considerations in
- Français
Le Programme des examens des performances environnementales de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe (CEE-ONU) évalue les progrès accomplis par les différents pays pour concilier leur développement économique et social avec la protection de l’environnement, tout en respectant les engagements internationaux sur l'environnement et le développement durable. Le Programme des
- English
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Environmental Performance Review Programme assesses progress made by individual countries in reconciling their economic and social development with environmental protection, as well as in meeting international commitments on environment and sustainable development. The Environmental Performance Review Programme assists countries to improve
- Pусский
The present publication contains the third EPR of the Republic of Moldova. The review takes stock of the progress made by the Republic of Moldova in the management of its environment since the country was reviewed in 2005 for the second time. It assesses the implementation of the recommendations contained in the second review. The third review covers policymaking, planning, implementation and the