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Displaying Results 521 - 540 of 2829

- English
This publication builds  on the outcomes  of  projects implemented  in  the  period 2017-2019 by two Divisions of UNECE - Sustainable  Energy  Division and  Forests,  Land  and  Housing  Division , and also  takes  stock  of the results  of  activities undertaken  by the UNECE Joint  Task  Force  on  Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings.A more detailed description of the publication is
- English
Many countries and regions are facing two increasingly stark trends: rapid urbanization and a growing number of natural disasters caused by climate change-related hazards. Combined, they substantially increase the risk to which many people are exposed. The increasing number and magnitude of disasters and their impacts on people, the economy and the environment have led to the adoption of global
- English
Forest products conversion factors provides ratios of raw material input to the output of wood-based forest products for 37 countries of the world. Analysts, policymakers, forest practitioners and forest-based manufacturers often have a need for this information for understanding the drivers of efficiency, feasibility and economics of the sector. In addition, conversion factors are often needed
- English
This study examines forest ownership in the UNECE region. Based on data on 35 countries, and the first to include all forest ownership categories, this study investigates the changing nature and patterns of forest ownership, the ways in which governance and social structures influence forest owners and users, as well as forest management. Within the limits of data availability and
- English
This report reviews the situation and trends in progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the lens of 49 selected indicators under each of the 17 SDGs. Indicators were selected based on their relevance to the UNECE region and availability of data. For the most part, the report relies on the data available in the United Nations Global SDG Database as of 20 December 2019.
- Pусский
Statistics on social and demographic topics are usually produced from surveys of private households. People living in institutions are often excluded because it can be complicated and expensive to identify and sample the institutions and their residents. But populations across the UNECE region and throughout the world are growing older, and for many countries this means that the population of
- English
Statistics on social and demographic topics are usually produced from surveys of private households. People living in institutions are often excluded because it can be complicated and expensive to identify and sample the institutions and their residents. But populations across the UNECE region and throughout the world are growing older, and for many countries this means that the population of
- English
The Contracting Parties to the TIR Convention launched in 2003 the so-called “eTIR Project”, aimed at providing an exchange platform for all actors (Customs authorities, holders and guarantee chains) involved in the TIR system, known as the “eTIR international system” (Customs to Customs).The eTIR international system aims to ensure the secure exchange of data between national Customs systems
- English
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a new mobility concept gaining pace in many cities around the world. Its value proposition concerns integration of mobility services which is realized by providing trip planning and one-stop fare purchase for the user through a single platform.Since MaaS is only emerging, the analysis of real-life demonstrations is still limited and, thus, evidence on the
- English
This discussion paper includes a description of major transformation drivers of green jobs in the forest sector development, a mapping of (i) existing and emerging green jobs in the sector; (ii) skill requirements and; (iii) education needs for forest professionals in the UNECE region. Read more...
- English
Regional maps available here Extreme weather events, some of which are increasing in intensity and frequency, as well as slower onset climate changes (for example, sea level rise) and cumulative effects can result in transportation infrastructure damages, operational disruptions, and
- English
As part of the ongoing activities of the Working Party on Rail Transport (SC.2) a workshop titled “Making rail freight more competitive: The coordinated development of the rail network with a focus on how to work together at the government and sectoral levels on the EATL” was held at the seventy-third session of the Working Party.Over 60 participants from national administrations,
- English
While significant progress in improving road safety has been made in some countries in the last decade, the overall global results are far worse and changes are urgently needed to considerably reduce the number of global road fatalities and injuries. Road traffic injuries constitute the first cause of accidental death globally. Road traffic accidents are responsible for more than 1.3 million
- English
The UNECE “White Paper on the progress, accomplishment and future of sustainable inland water transport” is the third edition of a policy paper on the current situation, trends and challenges in inland water transport on European inland waterways of international importance in the region of the Economic Commission for Europe.This third edition follows from the International Conference on
- English
The introduction of a reporting monitoring mechanism under the Water Convention and the adoption of the SDG framework (SDG indicator 6.5.2) mark an important step in supporting transboundary water cooperation. This Guide to reporting under the Water Convention and as a contribution to SDG indicator 6.5.2 was developed as a result of a review of the first reporting on SDG indicator 6.5.2 and under
- Pусский
The introduction of a reporting monitoring mechanism under the Water Convention and the adoption of the SDG framework (SDG indicator 6.5.2) mark an important step in supporting transboundary water cooperation. This Guide to reporting under the Water Convention and as a contribution to SDG indicator 6.5.2 was developed as a result of a review of the first reporting on SDG indicator 6.5.2 and under
- العربية
The introduction of a reporting monitoring mechanism under the Water Convention and the adoption of the SDG framework (SDG indicator 6.5.2) mark an important step in supporting transboundary water cooperation. This Guide to reporting under the Water Convention and as a contribution to SDG indicator 6.5.2 was developed as a result of a review of the first reporting on SDG indicator 6.5.2 and under
- Pусский
Белая книга ЕЭК ООН о прогрессе, достижении и будущем устойчивого внутреннего водного транспорта является третьим изданием программного документа о текущем положении, тенденциях и проблемах в области внутреннего водного транспорта на европейских внутренних водных путях, имеющих международное значение в регионе Европейской экономической комиссии.Это третье издание следует из материалов
- English
Since the beginning of his mandate, the Special Envoy for Road Safety has been helping to mobilise sustained political commitment towards making road safety a priority; to advocate and raise awareness about the United Nations road safety legal instruments; to share established road safety good practices; and to generate adequate funding for advocacy efforts through
- English
This calendar covers the findings from 13 EPRs on selected environmental topics such as climate change, gender and environment, investments in environmental protection, municipal waste management and many others. By disseminating the results of the EPRs in the form of a calendar for the upcoming year, UNECE aims to draw attention to the findings of the reviews and encourage the implementation of