United Nations United Nations Economic Commsission for Europe Timber Committee European Forestry Commission
This website presents the activities of the UNECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission
who work together to promote sustainable forest management in Europe, the CIS and North America



List of Meetings
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2008 Meeting

Rambouillet, France, 10-11 July 2008

The Forest Communicators Network European Forest Week Sub-group and representatives from co-organizers of the European Forest Week met to update one another on preparations for the Week (20-21 October 2008) and discuss the next steps. The focus was on National events (also referred to as in-Country activities in this report).

2008 Meeting

Bilbao, Spain, 13-15 May 2008

The 16th meeting of the UNECE-FAO Forest Communicators Network was hosted by the Basque Government, the Forest Service of Bizkaia and the Union of Southern European Foresters USSE. 43 people from 16 countries and 7 international organizations participated.

2007 Meeting

Bled, Slovenia, 9-11 October 2007

The meeting will bring together forest communicators from the whole UNECE region to discuss issues and to develop solutions in the context of the network's mandate. The meeting provides a unique forum to: (1) share information and views on topical forest related issues; (2) identify communication opportunities and challenges for the forest and forest industries sector; (3) develop strategic approaches for effective forest related communications; (4) present success stories and lessons learned; and (5) build contacts and alliances throughout the region.

This year's meeting which will be held in Bled, Slovenia, is kindly hosted by the Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food and is organised in cooperation with the Slovenian Forestry Service.

Bled is located in the north-western part of the country, at the foot of the Julian Alps. Transportartion between the meeting venue and the nearest International Airport at Ljubljana/Brnik will be provided on 8 October and 12 October 2007.

Registration form and additional information concerning travel arrangements and logistics will be provided soon. The working language of the meeting will be in English. Since the Forest Communicators Network is an open group and is based on broad and open exchange, please pass this information/announcement to other colleagues who are interested in public relations and communications concerning forests, forest management and forest-based products.

2006 Meeting

Valsain, Spain, 6-8 September 2006

The meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Environment of Spain and was held in the National Centre of Environmental Education Valsain. Valsain is situated near Segovia.

2005 Meeting

Bialowieza, Poland, 3-6 October 2005 . The 13th meeting of the FAO/UNECE Forest Communicators Network was hosted by the Ministry of the Environment of Poland and organized by the Polish State Forests National Holding in co-operation with the State Forests Information Centre.

Past Meetings

Information about the documents or any other aspect of the Committee's work may be obtained from the secretariat:
E-mail: [email protected]
Timber Section
UN/ECE Trade Division
Palais des Nations
CH - 1211 GENEVA 10
Fax: +41 22 917 00 41