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Displaying Results 141 - 160 of 2829

- Français
Le Glossaire des transports par voie navigable est une publication trilingue en anglais, français et russe qui contient une liste étendue de termes et de définitions utilisés dans les différents domaines des transports par voie navigable, y compris les infrastructures, la signalisation et le balisage des voies navigables, les transports de marchandises et de passagers, les règles de navigation,
- English
The Glossary for Inland Water Transport is a trilingual publication in English, French and Russian, which contains a comprehensive list of terms and definitions used in the various fields of inland water transport, including infrastructure, waterway signs and marking, transport of goods and passengers, navigation rules, vessel and equipment, River Information Services, statistics and other areas
- Spanish(西班牙语)
Prestar apoyo a la cooperación en materia de aguas transfronterizas y a la gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos compartidos La Convención del Agua, que celebró su 30º aniversario en 2022, es un marco jurídico e intergubernamental clave para promover la cooperación en materia de aguas transfronterizas y la gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos compartidos que ha demostrado su eficacia
- English
Supporting transboundary water cooperation and the sustainable management of shared water resources The Water Convention, which celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2022, is a key legal and intergovernmental framework for promoting transboundary water cooperation and sustainable management of shared water resources that has proven its effectiveness over the past 30 years. The Convention, which
- Spanish(西班牙语)
El año 2022, marca el trigésimo aniversario de la Convención sobre la Protección y la Utilización de los Cursos de Agua Transfronterizos y de los Lagos Internacionales (Convención del Agua), adoptado en Helsinki en 1992. En las últimas tres décadas, la Convención del Agua ha servido como mecanismo de consolidación para la cooperación internacional y aplicar medidas nacionales para la gestión
- Français
À l’heure actuelle, plus d’un tiers de la nourriture produite est perdue ou gaspillée le long des chaînes d’approvisionnement et au niveau des consommateurs, ce qui a des répercussions considérables sur la disponibilité de la nourriture et sur la durabilité environnementale des systèmes alimentaires. Le défi est de taille, surtout pour les fruits et légumes frais, dont le commerce s’effectue
- English
Currently over a third of all food produced is lost or wasted along supply chains and at consumer levels, with considerable impacts on both the availability of food and the environmental sustainability of food systems. The challenge is particularly pronounced for fresh fruit and vegetables, which are frequently traded over large distances, involving several actors. Their perishable nature means
- Pусский
В настоящее время более трети всего производимого продовольствия теряется или превращается в отходы по цепочкам поставок и на уровне потребителей, что оказывает значительное влияние как на доступность продовольствия, так и на экологическую устойчивость продовольственных систем. Особенно остро эта проблема стоит в отношении свежих овощей и фруктов, торговля которыми часто осуществляется на большие
- English
The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention), hosted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), requires Parties to establish and implement joint programmes for monitoring transboundary waters, to carry out joint or coordinated assessments of the conditions of transboundary waters, and to exchange data and
- العربية
تقتضي اتفاقية حماية واستخدام المجاري المائية العابرة للحدود والبحيرات الدولية )اتفاقية المياه(، التي تستضيفها لجنة الأمم المتحدة الاقتصادية لأوروبا، من الأطراف وضع وتنفيذ برامج مشتركة لرصد المياه العابرة للحدود، وإجراء تقييمات مشتركة أو منسقة لظروف المياه العابرة للحدود، وتبادل البيانات والمعلومات لتمكين الإدارة المستدامة للموارد المائية المشتركة وحمايتها. وتقدِّم هذه الوثيقة حول الاستراتيجيات
- Pусский
In December 2022, at its fifteenth meeting, the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework , including a monitoring mechanism. This guidance on the development of national strategies for the use of biodiversity monitoring helps to make biodiversity monitoring a practical tool for environmental policy. The
- English
In December 2022, the resumed fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted the Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity framework, including a monitoring framework. The present Guidelines for developing national strategies to use biodiversity monitoring help make biodiversity monitoring a practical tool for environmental policy. The guidelines
- English
Этот многоязычный глоссарий (английский, французский, русский и испанский) содержит исчерпывающий перечень терминов, используемых в законодательной практике, связанной с надзором за рынком. Политика надзора за рынком оказывает сильное влияние на конкурентоспособность бизнеса, международную торговлю и экономическое развитие. Для создания эффективной системы надзора за рынком необходимо
- English
Ce glossaire multilingue (anglais, français, russe et espagnol) fournit une liste complète des termes utilisés dans la pratique législative liée à la surveillance du marché. Les politiques de surveillance du marché ont un fort impact sur la compétitivité des entreprises, le commerce international et le développement économique. La mise en place d'un système efficace de surveillance du marché
- English
Este glosario multilingüe (inglés, francés, ruso y español) ofrece una lista exhaustiva de términos utilizados en la práctica legislativa relacionada con la vigilancia del mercado. Las políticas de vigilancia del mercado tienen un fuerte impacto en la competitividad de las empresas, el comercio internacional y el desarrollo económico. Para construir un sistema eficaz de vigilancia del mercado es
- English
This multilingual glossary (English, French, Russian and Spanish) provides a comprehensive list of terms used in legislative practice related to market surveillance. Market surveillance policies have a strong impact on business competitiveness, international trade and economic development. To build an effective market surveillance system requires cooperation among the system stakeholders, both
- English
Producers of official statistics face a complicated task in managing users’ access to the data they collect, as they must maintain the confidentiality of the individuals or businesses who have provided their data to them, while being under pressure to release ever more detailed datasets in order to provide greater analytical insight to those who wish to use such data. Traditionally, national
- Pусский
На своей восемьдесят второй сессии Комитет по градостроительству, жилищному хозяйству и землепользованию (КГЖХЗ) одобрил Руководящие принципы для разработки добровольных местных обзоров в регионе ЕЭК (ECE/HBP/2021/4) и предложил секретариату обновить эти руководящие принципы на основе результатов их тестирования в пилотных городах и отзывов соответствующих заинтересованных сторон и учреждений
- English
At its eighty-second session, the Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management (CUDHLM) endorsed the Guidelines for the development of Voluntary Local Reviews in the ECE Region (ECE/HBP/2021/4) and invited the secretariat to update the Guidelines based on the outcomes of their testing in pilot cities and on feedback from relevant stakeholders and United Nations agencies (ECE/HBP/
- English
The Smart Sustainable Cities Profile: Grodno presents the outcome of the evaluation of Grodno against the UNECE/ITU Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on Smart Sustainable Cities (SSC).  The publication provides recommendations to support the commitment of Grodno to becoming smarter and more sustainable and the successful achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda for