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Displaying Results 381 - 400 of 659

- Español
(Traducción no oficial) NACIONES UNIDASNueva York y Ginebra, 2007ECE/MP.WAT/22Download this Publication
- English
UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2007 ECE/MP.WAT/22Download the Publication in English, French, Russian and
- English
Document Title ENG FRE RUS Draft capacity development manual to support implementation of the SEA Protocol ENGENG
- English
Document Title ENG FRE RUSECE/MP.EIA/WG.1/2007/6 Draft Guidelines on EIA in a Transboundary Context for Central Asian Countries ENG
- Pусский
Серия публикаций по водным проблемам № 4ECE/MP.WAT/16 Нью-Йорк и Женева, 2006 годDownload this Publication
- English
Water Series No. 4ECE/MP.WAT/16 New York and Geneva, 2006Download this Publication
- Pусский
Брошура о Протоколе по проблемам воды и здоровья ECE/CEP/NONE/2009/3 © ВОЗ, ЕЭК ООН, 2006Readmore
- English
Brochures about the Protocol on Water and HealthECE/CEP/NONE/2009/3 © WHO, UNECE, 2006Download this Publication
- Pусский
ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ОБЪЕДИНЕННЫХ НАЦИЙНью-Йорк и Женева, 2006 годDownload this Publication
- English
Document Title ENG RUSIssue 6Russian translation by EcoGlobe ENGRUS
- Pусский
Document Title RUSECE/MP.EIA/7 Руководство по участию общественности в оценке воздействия на окружающую среду в трансграничном контексте (No. 7 in the environment series) PDF
- Français
Document Title FRE ECE/MP.EIA/7Directive concernant la participation du public à l'évaluation de l'impact sur l'environnement dans un contexte transfrontière (No. 7 in the environment series
- English
Guidance on public participation in EIA in a transboundary contextAvailable in English, French and Russian.(ECE/MP.EIA/7, 136 pp., no.7 in the Environment Series) At their second meeting, the Parties decided to elaborate guidance on public participation in environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context and, at their third
- Pусский
Document Title ENGECE/MP.EIA/8 Руководство по практиприменению Конвенции Эспоо (No. 8 in the environment series) PDF
- Français
Document Title FREECE/MP.EIA/8 Directives concernant l'application concrète de la Convention d'Espoo (No. 8 in the environment series)
- English
Guidance on the Practical Applicationof the Espoo ConventionAvailable in English, French and Russian. (Also issued earlier in English, French, German and Russian.)(ECE/MP.EIA/8, 75 pp., no. 8 in the Environment Series)At their second meeting, the Parties decided to elaborate guidance on the practical