What are the traits of successful organizations, what management tools and practices do they use to cope with the changes in the environment, support innovation and improve data quality and organizational efficiency? As the role of data in society evolves, what management techniques can statistical organizations use that help them stay relevant? How can ModernStats models support the modernization of management systems and in what aspects do they need to be improved to better serve the needs of the statistical community?
Modeling, breaking down processes into standard building blocks, describing tasks, inputs and outputs, assigning responsibilities, are practices that produce information on different aspects of the architecture for management purposes. The applications are manifold: organizations use these techniques to better understand their systems, to streamline everyday operations, to plan development projects, to evaluate certain activities or areas, to find inconsistencies or to standardize, automate, rationalize activities or elements they handle. ModernStats models, developed under the umbrella of UNECE HLG-MOS have been created with the intent to support the modernization endeavors of organizations producing official statistics.
These 3 models provide generic elements that may be used for modeling purposes.
Clickable GSIM v2.0
Clickable GSBPM v5.1
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Clickable GAMSO v1.2
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