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Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and Just Transition

What does the Group of Experts on CMMJT do?

The Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and Just Transition (formerly known up until September 2021 as the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and prior to November 2010 as the Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and prior to June 2005 as Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Coal in Sustainable Development) is responsible for the promotion and further development of the efficient environmentally sustainable transition of industries along the coal value chain ensuring the reduction of associated greenhouse gas emissions and social equity of the process.

Principal Activities

  • The principal activity of the Group of Experts is to develop and disseminate best practices in effective monitoring, reporting, verification and mitigation of methane emissions from active and abandoned coal mines.
  • The Group of Experts supports the work of two International Centres of Excellence on Coal Mine Methane that have at the core of their mission capacity building and dissemination of best practices on abatement, capture and utilization of CMM emissions. Read more

Areas of Work

  1. Reduction and management of methane emissions through for example recovery and use of methane from active, closed, and/or abandoned coal mines aimed at reducing the risks of explosions, mitigating climate change, and supporting sustainable development; 
  2. For those countries or regions/states that choose to cease coal mining and related activities, offering support on request on preparation of coal mines and coal mining regions and communities for mine closure and reorientation of the local economies; and
  3. Environmentally sustainable transition and repurposing of mines and existing mining infrastructure and facilitating development of new profiles of economic activity and business models that preserve social cohesion and cultural heritage of the affected localities.


The Bureau of the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and Just Transition is responsible for managing and developing the work of the Group between its meetings.
The Bureau comprises of a Chair and a number of Vice Chairs so that it is representative of the stakeholders in the Group. 

Meetings of the Group of Experts on CMMJT

The Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and Just Transition meets once a year at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, normally in March. It is required to report its achievements and plans yearly.

Mandate and Terms of Reference

The mandate of the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and Just Transition (the Group of Experts) is to promote efficient environmentally sustainable transition of industries along the coal value chain ensuring the reduction of associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and social equity of the process through substantive, results-oriented activities that may help the recovery and use of methane in order to reduce the risks of explosions in coal mines in the context of climate change mitigation and to contribute to sustainable development, including the support of communities, local economies and the environment in the just transition process (ECE/ENERGY/GE.4/2022/2, para. 19). Read more

The current Mandate and Terms of Reference of the Expert Group is available in English, French and Russian.

Work Plan for 2024-2025 and past workplans

At its eighteenth session held in Geneva on 20-21 March 2023, the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and Just Transition adopted a Work Plan for 2024-2025 that was later approved by the Committee on Sustainable Energy at its 31st session held in September 2023 in Geneva.

Past Work Plans are available here

Task Forces

At its 17th session in March 2022, the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and Just Transition established three Task Forces, on: (i) Methane Emissions Reduction, (ii) Just Transition, and (iii) Safe Operations and Closure of Coal Mines, to manage better the knowledge and skills of its members and thus improve efficiency of the Group’s work in those subject areas, which constitute the core of the Group’s mandate and activities.

The Chairs of the Task Forces are nominated by the Chair of the Group of Experts, in cooperation with the Bureau, to serve for a period of two years, with the possibility of extension, starting at the end of the session at which they were selected until the end of the session two years later.

The Task Forces report to the Group of Experts on their activities and accomplishments at the Group’s annual meeting and to the Bureau between annual sessions.

The Chairs of the Task Forces join the Bureau as Vice-Chairs ex officio.

Task Forces and their activities

Relevant Documents


To learn how to join a Task Force please contact Chiara Giamberardini at giamberardini AT 

ECOSOC Decisions and Resolutions

At its meeting on 25 July 2023 the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations adopted without a vote resolution E/RES/2023/18 on Best Practice Guidance for Effective Management of Coal Mine Methane at National Level:  Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Mitigation, whereby it decides to invite States Members of the United Nations, international organizations and the regional commissions to consider the possibility of taking appropriate measures to ensure the application of the Best Practice Guidance for Effective Management of Coal Mine Methane at National Level: Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Mitigation worldwide (please see page 5 of E/2023/15/Add.1). 

It is the third time, after the Decisions 2011/222 and 2021/249, when ECOSOC recognizes the work of the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and Just Transition and recommends application of the practices developed by the Group worldwide.