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Displaying Results 1101 - 1120 of 2813

- Français
ECE/TIM/SP/33, La Revue annuelle du marché des produits forestiers 2012-2013 fournit une analyse complète des marchés dans la région de la CEE, y compris l’Amérique du Nord, l’Europe, la Fédération de Russie et les républiques d’Asie centrale, ainsi que de l’influence sur les mar-chés de
- English
ECE/TIM/SP/33 The Forest Products Annual Market Review, 2012-2013 offers a comprehensive analysis of markets across the UNECE region, including North America, Europe, the Russian Federation and the Central Asian republics, as well as market influences from outside the UNECE region. It covers the
- English
This paper analyses the role of inter-organization collaboration platforms in global trade. It argues that the interoperability among different inter-organization information exchange systems in global supply chains will be the key
- English
Commercial quality standards for agricultural produce are developed and approved by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe through its Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards. These international standards facilitate trade, encourage high-quality production, improve
- English
DocumentsENGExecutive SummaryPDFIntroduction and overview
- Pусский
Протокол по проблемам воды и здоровья подчеркивает важность вовлечения общественности в процесс принятия решений по вопросам, касающимся воды и здоровья.Доступ к информации и участие общественности необходимы для того,чтобы обеспечить информированность общественности о проблемах,предоставлять
- English
The Protocol on Water and Health stresses the importance of involving the public in decision-making concerning water and health. Access to information and
- English
The UNECE Secretariat, in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Africa, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific and the Economic and Social
- Pусский
Протокол по проблемам воды и здоровья предусматривает, что, при достижении цели обеспечения доступа к питьевой воде и предоставления санитарных услуг для всех, соответствующее внимание должно быть уделено равноправному доступу всего населения к этим услугам. В публикации «Никто не обойден
- Français
Le Protocole sur l’eau et la santé stipule que dans la poursuite des objectifs de l’accès à l’eau potable et l’assainissement pour tous, une attention particulière doit être accordée pour garantir à tous les membres de la population un accès équitable à ces services. La publication
- English
The Protocol on Water and Health specifies that in pursuing the aims of access to drinking water and provision of sanitation for everyone, special consideration should be paid to ensure equitable access to these services for all members of the population. The publication
- English
Empowering educators for a sustainable future: Tools for policy and practice workshops on competences in education for sustainable developmentThis publication builts on the Learning for the Future: Competences in Education for Sustainable Development (ECE/CEP/AC.13/2011/6) report, drafted by the
- English
...The Single Window Planning and Implementation Guide contains managerial guidelines for policy managers, policymakers and those who are tasked to plan and manage the information technology-enabled Single Window
- English
The Strategy aims at promoting sustainable housing and land management in the ECE region. It will guide the work of the Committee, its Working Party on Land Administration and the Real Estate Market Advisory Group. It will also further strengthen the implementation of existing tools and policy
- English
The Manual of Tests and Criteria contains criteria, test methods and procedures to be used for classification of dangerous goods according to the provisions of Parts 2 and 3 of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations, as well as of chemicals
- Français
La Convention sur la protection et l’utilisation des cours d’eau transfrontières et des lacs internationaux (Convention sur l’eau) a été adoptée en 1992 et est entrée
- Español
El Convenio sobre la protección y utilización de los cursos de agua transfronterizos y de los lagos internacionales (Convenio del Agua) fue adoptado en 1992 y entró
- English
The UNECE and the International Center for Alcohol Policies (ICAP) have partnered to create an e-book on "Regional Perspectives on preventing alcohol-related road