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Wood Energy


Wood energy is addressed in many aspects of the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section’s work and specifically through the advisory work of the Team of Specialists on Wood Energy, the Joint Wood Energy Enquiry (which is a comprehensive database of wood energy and wood fuel data from UNECE member states) and publication of wood energy market information, such as the recurrent chapter in the Forest Products Annual Market Review.  Read More→


The Section's work is supported by the ECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Wood Energy and guided by the Joint ECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management.
Additional information on wood energy availability in the UNECE region can also be found in other ECE/FAO publications:  




Origins of recent wood energy work
Wood energy has been a regular topic at the annual Timber Committee Market Discussions since 2002. It featured as the major topic of the Policy Forum in 2003, the same year that it entered the agenda of the annual meeting of the Joint Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics.
The breakout session on wood energy during the Joint FAO/ECE Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics (15-17 March 2004, Geneva) confirmed the importance of reliable and accurate information in aiding policy discussions. A major obstacle in assessing the situation and the development throughout the UNECE region was the unsatisfactory quality of wood energy statistics. In the following year the secretariat was asked to assess the sources and quality of information available via national statistics correspondents and other sources.
After the assessment of available sources and information on wood energy the UNECE/FAO Timber Section started its active data collection process on wood energy. A first draft questionnaire was developed and sent to sample countries by end 2005 and the Joint Wood Energy Enquiry was sent to all 56 member states in 2006. 
Last update date: December 29, 2020