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Displaying Results 241 - 260 of 2829

- English
The world’s prevalent economic model, based on a ‘take-make-use-dispose’ approach, cannot maintain and raise human standards of living without causing environmental degradation and incurring economic risks. Decoupling economic activity from the increasing demand for natural resources could be done through circular, bio-based economy approaches leading to a regenerative growth model, allowing
- English
The WPLA, in cooperation with the Overseas Development Institute, United Kingdom (ODI); and Global Land Alliance, United States (GLA), produced the report “Sustainable Development and Security of Property Rights  in the UNECE Region: An assessment of perceived tenure security for land and housing”. This report uses data on perceived security of property rights for land and housing across the
- English
The report provides an overview of the general trade and regulatory context of Georgia and an analysis of the key economic figures of the pharmaceutical sector, such as industry composition and dynamics, and exports. It gives an overview of the country’s transport networks and presents key facts of the sector and identifies possible bottlenecks in and proposes solutions for the trade-related
- Pусский
Рабочая группа активно сотрудничает с Институтом зарубежного развития (ODI, Великобритания) и Глобальным альянсом по вопросам землепользования (GLA, Соединенные Штаты Америки) - организациями, которые занимаются разработкой, публикацией «Индекса имущественных прав» (Prindex) и подготовлением отчета «Устойчивое развитие и уровень защищенности имущественных прав в регионе ЕЭК ООН: Оценка
- Pусский
Этот План действий по восстановлению показывает, что соответствующие вмешательства могут одновременно иметь преимущества для здоровья, безопасности и другие социально-экономические преимущества. Двойные цели повышения устойчивости к пандемии и достижения ЦУР могут быть достигнуты одновременно. Кроме того, готовность страны к стихийным бедствиям может иметь решающее значение, поэтому более тесная
- English
This Recovery Action Plan shows that appropriate interventions can simultaneously have health, safety and other socioeconomic benefits. The twin goals of increased pandemic resilience, and the achievement of the SDGs can be advanced simultaneously. Additionally, a country’s disaster preparedness can make all the difference, therefore, greater integration and formalization of the informal
- English
Social exclusion is measured and defined in a range of ways. While many countries measure some aspects of social exclusion, few surveys or statistical methods are specifically designed for this. This publication presents approaches and practices in measuring social exclusion. The introductory Chapter 1 lays down the motivation behind the work and what is meant by social exclusion
- English
This document presents the eQuality Certification system processes and business requirements for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables covered by marketing standards. It provides a high level functional description of the main business processes  to be managed by an electronic Conformity Certificate management system for Fresh Fruit and vegetables . This functional system specification can be used as a
- English
The report presents results of the 2021 United Nations Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation for six participants in United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA), namely Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, reviewing the progress of trade facilitation reforms and provides a detailed analysis based on 58
- English
- English
Food loss and waste is no longer a negligible nuisance, it has become a sizeable and growing problem in the context of a rapidly increasing population with food and energy needs; environmental degradation, climate change, fluctuating prices and production pressures. A simple methodology aimed to systematically measuring the food lost and wasted at several key points of the fresh produce supply
- Pусский
На Пятом совещании высокого уровня по транспорту, охране здоровья и окружающей среде в мае 2021 г. правительства приняли Венскую декларацию «Достичь большего за счет перехода к новой, чистой, безопасной, здоровой и инклюзивной мобильности и транспорту», которая основана на предыдущей работе ОПТОСОЗ извлекла уроки из воздействия пандемии COVID-19 и с нетерпением ждет своего видения «чистой,
- Français
Lors de la cinquième réunion de haut niveau sur les transports, la santé et l'environnement en mai 2021, les gouvernements ont adopté la Déclaration de Vienne « Mieux construire en passant à une mobilité et des transports nouveaux, propres, sûrs, sains et inclusifs », qui s'appuie sur les travaux antérieurs de THE PEP, les leçons tirées des conséquences de la pandémie de COVID-19 et attend avec
- English
At the Fifth High-level Meeting Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment in May 2021, governments adopted the Vienna Declaration "Building forward better by transforming to new, clean, safe, healthy and inclusive mobility and transport" which builds upon the previous work of THE PEP, the lessons learned from the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and looks forward with its vision of a “
- English
The situation of eco-driving integration and development in the THE PEP member countries is very diverse. This paper offers an overview of which elements for eco-driving programmes are most crucial and which requirements need to be considered. It was compiled making use of know-how and experience coming from several national initiatives and European projects. The aim is to lay the basis for
- English
Uzbekistan has made important recent progress in liberalizing its economy for trade and investment, spurring economic growth and creating significant reform momentum for sustainable development and the transition towards a circular economy, in line with United Nations Agenda 2030. Innovation plays an important role in these efforts, as it is essential to building a competitive economy and
- Pусский
В последние годы Узбекистан добился значительного прогресса в осуществлении внутренних реформ, направленных на открытие экономики для торговли и инвестиций, стимулирование экономического роста и повышения конкурентоспособности в целях устойчивого развития и перехода к экономике замкнутого цикла в соответствии с Повесткой дня Организации Объединенных Наций на период до 2030 года. Инновации играют
- English
This publication "River Information Services in the region of the Economic Commission for Europe" gives an overview of the concept of River Information Services (RIS) on European inland waterways, its origins, evolution and the way forward. It highlights the RIS objectives, basic components, functions and the key stakeholders. Focus is made on the international regulatory basis, the ECE strategic
- Pусский
Публикация «Речные информационные службы в регионе Европейской экономической комиссии ООН» дает обзор концепции речных информационных служб (РИС) на европейских внутренних водных путях, их возникновениия, эволюции и перспектив на будущее. В ней освещены цели РИС, их основные компоненты и функции, а также основные заинтересованные стороны. Значительное внимание уделено международной нормативной
- English
The revised fourth edition of the Blue Book continues to provide precise information about the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) as serviced by the ECE Sustainable Transport  Division: on its history, its administrative and legal framework as a guide for users, and on the three Agreements. WP.29 administers the three major international United