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Displaying Results 41 - 60 of 124

- English
The benefits of buckling up safety-belts are clear. If you buckle up in the front seat of a passenger car you can reduce your risk of a fatal injury by 45% (Kahane, 2015) and moderate to critical injury by 50%. Fastening safety-belts helps you to stay in control of your vehicle during when the unexpected occurs such as an abrupt deceleration. This leaflet is designed to provide basic information
- English
In 2010, the United Nations General Assembly (resolution 64/255) proclaimed a Decade of Action for Road Safety ("Decade"). As part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the goal of the Decade (2011-2020) is to stabilize and then reduce the forecast level of road traffic deaths around the world.  SDG 3.6 By 2020 halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents SDG
- Pусский
Услуги совместной мобильности являются частью экономики совместного пользования, в основе которой лежит идея рационального использования ограниченных ресурсов, создающая для человека возможность позволить себе качественные товары и услуги по разумной цене. В настоящей работе представлена краткая история возникновения и развития сервисов совместной мобильности, которые способствуют более
- English
Shared mobility services are the part of the shared economy, which is based on the idea of rational use of limited resources, which creates an opportunity for a person to afford highquality goods and services at a reasonable price.This study provides a brief history of the emergence and development of shared mobility services, which contribute to a more efficient use of available resources
- Français
Il existe 59 instruments juridiques onusiens dans le domaine des transports intérieurs qui sont administrés par le Comité des Transports Intérieurs de la Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe (CEE-ONU). Parmi les 59 conventions, sept instruments dans le domaine de la sécurité routière sont considérés comme des priorités pour l’adhésion:- 1968 Convention sur la circulation
- Español
Existen 59 instrumentos jurídicos de las Naciones Unidas en el ámbito del transporte terrestre que son administrados por la Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para Europa (CEPE). De las 59 convenciones, siete instrumentos se consideran prioritarios en seguridad vial para la adhesión:- Convención de 1968 sobre la circulación vial;- Convención de 1968 sobre la señalización vial;- Acuerdo
- English
There are 59 United Nations legal instruments in the area of inland transport which are administered by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Of the 59 conventions, seven road safety instruments are considered to be priorities for accession:  - 1968 Convention on Road Traffic; - 1968 Convention on Road Signs and Signals; - 1958 Agreement concerning the Adoption of
- English
This study, commissioned by the Steering Committee of the Transport, Health and Environment PanEuropean Programme (THE PEP) through its Partnership on Jobs in Green and Healthy Transport, examines the economy-wide employment implications of an accelerated shift towards greener land
- English
As part of the ongoing work on THE PEP a Study on good practices in Mobility Management has been published.Drawing on concrete experiences from across the Pan-European region, the guide, developed under the Transport Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP), provides practical policy considerations enriched by a total of 22 good practices from 17 countries that set out the
- English
As part of the ongoing activities of the Working Party on Rail Transport (SC.2) a workshop titled “Making rail freight more competitive: The coordinated development of the rail network with a focus on how to work together at the government and sectoral levels on the EATL” was held at the seventy-third session of the Working Party.Over 60 participants from national administrations,
- English
While significant progress in improving road safety has been made in some countries in the last decade, the overall global results are far worse and changes are urgently needed to considerably reduce the number of global road fatalities and injuries. Road traffic injuries constitute the first cause of accidental death globally. Road traffic accidents are responsible for more than 1.3 million
- English
Since the beginning of his mandate, the Special Envoy for Road Safety has been helping to mobilise sustained political commitment towards making road safety a priority; to advocate and raise awareness about the United Nations road safety legal instruments; to share established road safety good practices; and to generate adequate funding for advocacy efforts through
- English
A study on the transport infrastructure and services available in Kyrgyzstan. This document reviews the country’s extensive recent and future transport investments, and sets out recommendations to ensure its transport network is ready to harness the growth in inland transport from rising Asia-Europe trade, particularly in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative.  
- English
This brochure presents the Resolution on the Deployment of Highly and Fully Automated Vehicles in Road Traffic adopted by the Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe on 20 September 2018.Download here
- Français
Le nombre d’accidents de la route reste inacceptablement élevé et représente l’une des principales causes de décès et de blessures dans le monde, faisant plus de 1,3 million de morts et 50 millions de blessés par an, dont 90 % dans les pays en dé-veloppement. Tous les pays et toutes les régions du monde mettent en œuvre des mesures pour y remédier. Il convient de mentionner que le Plan mondial
- English
The number of road traffic crashes remains unacceptably high representing a leading cause of death and injury around the world, killing more than 1.3 million people and injuring as many as50 million people a year, with 90 per cent of those casualties oc-curring in developing countries. Every country and region of the world is implemen-ting measures to address this problem. It is worth mentioning
- العربية
للوفاة والإصابة حول العالم، من خلالًا رئيسيًعد سببُا بصورة غير مقبولة، حيث تً يبقى عدد حوادث المرور على الطرق مرتفع90% من هذه الخسائر مليون شخص في العام، مع حدوث نسبة مليون شخص وإصابة حوالي 50 التسبب في مقتل أكثر من 1.3 في الدول النامية. تنفذ كل دولة ومنطقة بالعالم تدابير لعلاج هذه المشكلة. ومن الجدير بالذكر أن خطة الأمم المتحدة العالمية3 مخصصة ركائز، من بينها تكون الركيزة والتي تقوم على 52020
- English
Improving the competitiveness of Kazakhstan as a transport logistics centre at the crossroads of Europe and Asia could enable the country to unlock significant untapped benefits of growing cargo flows between the two continents. This study identifies the transport infrastructure and services available in Kazakhstan, reviews the country’s extensive recent and future transport investments,
- English
As part of the ongoing activities of the Working Party on Rail Transport (SC.2) a workshop titled “Making the railways of the future for the region” was held at the seventy-second session of the Working Party.Over 65 participants from national administrations, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and the private sector discussed, over a number of sessions, the role of
- Français
La quatrième édition du Livre bleu continue de fournir des informations précises sur le Forum mondial de l’harmonisation des Règlements concernant les véhicules (WP.29), qui relève des services de la Division des transports durables de la CEE − son histoire, son cadre administratif et juridique à titre de guide des utilisateurs, et sur les trois Accords qu’il administre. Le WP.29 administre en