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Coal Mine Methane Publications

Displaying Results 1 - 20 of 24

- English
ADVANCED VERSION The transition of the global energy system is leading society towards an innovative future, offering an opportunity to transcend the current global economy in favour of a more sustainable one. Equal gender participation in this endeavour can help society leap to a future of
- Français
Dans la région de la CEE, les États membres sont confrontés à des défis sans précédent en raison de la pandémie  de Covid-19, les crises géopolitiques, les perturbations dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement et les répercussions des changements climatiques. Ces défis ont mis à jour la vulnérabilité
- English
Across the UNECE region, member States are facing unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical crises in the region, supply chain disruptions, and climate change impacts. These challenges have exposed the vulnerability of the UNECE energy systems and highlighted the urgent
- Pусский
Эта публикация требует решительных и смелых действий со стороны правительства, частного сектора и регулирующих органов. Для разработки технологий потребуется новая нормативно-правовая база в поддержку немедленной коммерциализации. Политические рамки должны также включать в себя юридически
- English
This publication calls for ambitious and bold action from governments, the private sector and regulators. Development of technologies will require new regulatory frameworks to support immediate commercialization. Policy frameworks should also incorporate legally binding commitments for increased
- English
UNECE Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and Just Transition striving to help countries with lowering the carbon footprint of their coal industries developed in partnership with the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) the Best Practice Guidance for Effective Management of Coal Mine Methane at
- English
Historically, extractive industries have also been a major driver of economic growth, particularly for now-advanced economies that benefitted during and after the Industrial Revolution. Currently, mineral resource extraction plays a dominant role in the economies of 81 countries that account for a
- English
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented an abrupt, even if temporary, halt to some of these trends, and underscored systemic vulnerabilities in health, economic, social and other systems, including those related to energy and industry. Failure to transition quickly to more sustainable systems will
- English
The document provides guidance for developing and implementing effective practices for monitoring, reporting and verifying (MRV) methane emissions from the oil and gas sector. It also provides guidance on remediation practices. The document is meant to serve as a resource for a broad audience,
- English
The UNECE Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane (CMM) has released the second edition of the Best Practice Guidance for Effective Methane Drainage and Use in Coal Mines. Since the first edition was published in 2010, the industry practice and
- English
From the beginning of the twenty first century economic, social, and political forces have been threatening the historical dominance of coal for power generation. In this context, the UNECE Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane (CMM) presents you with a new paper titled
- English
Methane Management – An Economic Opportunity for Mitigation (Booklet - December 2015)Proper management of methane from source to use in extractive industries will be an effective means of reducing emissions of an intensive
- English
Best Practice Guidance for Effective Methane Drainage and Use in Coal Mines   ISBN 13: 9789211170184 Sales Number: 10.II.E.2 8.25x11.5 Binding: Paperback Series: ECE Energy Series, No. 31 The Publisher: United Nations,
Guide des Pratiques Optimales de Captage et d'utilisation du Méthane Provenant des Mines de CharbonHow to orderDepuis deux cents ans, le charbon représente une source