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Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain are some of the UNECE member countries that were most severely affected by the 2008 financial crisis. Amongst these countries, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain all experienced modest employment growth in 2014 compared to the year before.Employment grew
In the Republic of Moldova some 309,000 people are either employers or own account workers (self-employed without employees).  Only 120,000 of these (39 per cent) are women.  Currently, this is the closest we can come to measuring the phenomenon of entrepreneurship, which in fact is a much more
So much has been said and written about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but now it is time to act. SDGs will be adopted by the General Assembly in September 2015 and the Statistical Community is expected to start measuring SDGs as of 2016. The universal character of these 17 goals means
“Global retailers, brands and manufacturers who have outsourced their production have turned economics on its head”, says Professor Gary Gereffi, one of the experts that will gather in Geneva on 7-9 July for a meeting on Measuring Global Production hosted by UNECE . Leading statistical experts
Travelling – be it for work or holiday – and long distance commuting has become part of everyday life for many people. You might live in France but work in Switzerland, or your colleague may fly to Rome every week-end to visit the family. Cross-border commuting belts are growing in size and are
How to use administrative data and household surveys to measure international migration? This was one of the topics discussed by some 30 expert from national statistical offices in CIS countries, national migration services, EU countries, and international organizations in Minsk, Belarus from 28
Countries keep better records of individuals entering the country than of individuals who leave. This makes emigration difficult to measure. In order to mitigate this problem, UNECE launched the  Migration Clearing House, a data exchange depository which uses data on out-migration flows from
What is the “right” poverty measure? Can we devise a universal poverty indicator to monitor the poverty aspect of SDGs? How to assess the closely related issues of inequality, vulnerability and social exclusion? What can be  UNECE’s role in promoting comparability and the much-needed
After countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia experienced a marked decline in poverty rates at the beginning of the 2000s, there was concern that the 2008 economic crisis might halt or even reverse this trend. However, in most Eastern European and Central Asian countries with poverty data,
Need some quick facts and figures about Canada, the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan or Turkey? Have a look at UNECE Countries in Figures 2015 and you will probably find it!UNECE Countries in Figures 2015 provides you with essential data on the economy, population, gender, computer use by age and much
Enrolment in childcare varies considerably within the UNECE region. While in Denmark two thirds of children under 3 are registered in childcare facilities, in Poland and Tajikistan less than 5% are. However, some countries with low rates of childcare enrolment at the beginning of the century have
Statistical offices have to respond to a growing demand for more detailed and timelier statistics from all sectors of society. The statistical community also needs to prepare to measure the ambitious post-2015 development agenda and the high number of indicators that will be contained in the
Source: UNECE Statistical Database (, Eurostat, CISSTAT and national statistics. Data for 2014 in the EU are based on quarterly statistics and do not include the fourth quarter for Croatia, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovenia and Sweden yet. Data for
Experts will gather in Chisinau from 10-12 September to discuss how to better utilize administrative data sources and censuses to improve the measurement of migration and its impact, and how to reach “hard-to-count” migrant populations. They will also decide on concrete follow-up activities to
What people decide to study at tertiary level is of interest to gender analysis as those choices can reflect stereotypes of “masculine” and “feminine” subject areas. Furthermore, some study subjects may be preferred by potential employers, and may affect occupational segregation once graduates
Part-time work is much more frequent among women than among men, but it is also associated with young and senior workers. In 2013 in most UNECE countries, the proportion of female workers in part time employment is more than double that for men. An exception to this is Georgia, where a greater
One year ago, on 29 January 2014, the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly endorsed the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, originally developed under the auspices of the UNECE for its region.  This recognition underlined that official statistics – which must be
Our world is full of Big Data, which, if correctly analyzed, have the potential to lead us to a better understanding of several social and economic phenomena.  Big Data can be described as data sets characterized by 3Vs:Volume = impossible to process it with traditional database systems and
Source: UNECE Statistical Database The strong economic growth until 2008 was accompanied by high growth rates in international trade in most countries.  All UNECE countries experience high growth rates in total trade (exports plus imports) until 2007, including large economies
In four out of five countries in the UNECE region, the share of researchers among employed persons has increased between 2000 and 2012 according to available data for 38 countries. In those countries, the total number of researchers reached 2.4 million, an increase of 38 per cent over a decade.
Tuberculosis (TB) is curable and preventable, and its epidemic has been reversed in the UNECE Region. Nevertheless, it is estimated that around 36,000 people died from this bacterial infection in the region in 2012. Several countries in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) have
The end of 2014 will mark the end of the 2010 round of population and housing censuses (spanning from 2005 to 2014), and the beginning of the 2020 round.  All UNECE countries but three conducted a census in the 2010 round, as requested by the United Nations Economic and Social Council.  This is a
In 2013, gross domestic product (GDP) increased about two per cent both in North America and in the countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA), as compared to the previous year. Growth remained modest in the EU, while in the Euro zone GDP diminished by close to 0.5 per cent