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Capabilities and communication

Human resources management and training in National Statistical Offices are vital for modernization of official statistics. As technology advances such as big data and AI, staff of the NSOs must continuously update their skills to ensure accurate and relevant data.  Investing in human resources and training also fosters culture of innovation, enabling NSOs to adapt to new challenges, improve data quality, and address issues of social acceptability, ensuring that data collection and usage align with public expectations and ethical standards. This strengthens the credibility and effectiveness of the national statistical system and in supporting evidence-based decision making and maintaining public trust. 

The HLG-MOS Modernisation Group on Capability and Communication focuses on the organisational changes and communication challenges necessary to support modernisation within statistical organisations. Use of new data sources, AI, and other modern challenges has put significant strain on the HR and communication departments of National Statistical Offices (NSOs).  

Consequently, the group has adjusted its work programme to help NSOs cope with evolving working arrangements, challenges in talent acquisition and retention, the development of new skills and capabilities, review of ethical principles related to new activities of the NSOs and the need for more extensive internal and external communication. 

Currently the group is co-chaired by Poland and Ireland, and has produced a number of outputs over the years, such as: 

Guidelines on Risk Management Practices in Statistical Organisations 


For more information and all outputs, please see the page: Human Resources and more