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Displaying Results 161 - 180 of 2835

- English
Este glosario multilingüe (inglés, francés, ruso y español) ofrece una lista exhaustiva de términos utilizados en la práctica legislativa relacionada con la vigilancia del mercado. Las políticas de vigilancia del mercado tienen un fuerte impacto en la competitividad de las empresas, el comercio internacional y el desarrollo económico. Para construir un sistema eficaz de vigilancia del mercado es
- English
This multilingual glossary (English, French, Russian and Spanish) provides a comprehensive list of terms used in legislative practice related to market surveillance. Market surveillance policies have a strong impact on business competitiveness, international trade and economic development. To build an effective market surveillance system requires cooperation among the system stakeholders, both
- English
Producers of official statistics face a complicated task in managing users’ access to the data they collect, as they must maintain the confidentiality of the individuals or businesses who have provided their data to them, while being under pressure to release ever more detailed datasets in order to provide greater analytical insight to those who wish to use such data. Traditionally, national
- Pусский
На своей восемьдесят второй сессии Комитет по градостроительству, жилищному хозяйству и землепользованию (КГЖХЗ) одобрил Руководящие принципы для разработки добровольных местных обзоров в регионе ЕЭК (ECE/HBP/2021/4) и предложил секретариату обновить эти руководящие принципы на основе результатов их тестирования в пилотных городах и отзывов соответствующих заинтересованных сторон и учреждений
- English
At its eighty-second session, the Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management (CUDHLM) endorsed the Guidelines for the development of Voluntary Local Reviews in the ECE Region (ECE/HBP/2021/4) and invited the secretariat to update the Guidelines based on the outcomes of their testing in pilot cities and on feedback from relevant stakeholders and United Nations agencies (ECE/HBP/
- English
The Smart Sustainable Cities Profile: Grodno presents the outcome of the evaluation of Grodno against the UNECE/ITU Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on Smart Sustainable Cities (SSC).  The publication provides recommendations to support the commitment of Grodno to becoming smarter and more sustainable and the successful achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda for
- English
This report highlights the main results of an assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in the North-Western Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS), shared by Algeria, Libya and Tunisia. The aquifer system is one of the largest transboundary groundwater reserves of North Africa, extending over one million square kilometers and subject to increased water demands. Improving the management of the
- English
From this page it is possible to view and download the text of the annexed regulations to the ADN as applicable from 1 January 2023 (ADN 2023) in PDF format. The electronic version of the publication is made available for information purposes only. To comply with the requirements of ADN, refer to the official UN official publication on paper.
- English
Fourth cycle of EPRs: advancing environmental performance in the region and beyond. Transforming Planet. This calendar promotes the fourth cycle of UNECE EPRs, based on the document adopted by the Committee on Environmental Policy and subsequent decisions made, as well as ministerial decisions. Three EPR cycles have already taken place. Printed copies of EPR publications may be
- English
ADVANCED VERSION The transition of the global energy system is leading society towards an innovative future, offering an opportunity to transcend the current global economy in favour of a more sustainable one. Equal gender participation in this endeavour can help society leap to a future of technological advancement in the energy sector. This report analyzes key issues,
- 汉语
可持续发展的多方面要求主要取决于负责任的最优自然资源生产和利用。为 满足均衡开发自然资源的要求,需要自然资源生产和利用的新范式,包括向 循环经济迈进。联合国资源管理系统是支持落实《2030年可持续发展议程》 的综合性可持续资源管理框架。 联合国资源管理系统以全球范围内广为接受的《联合国资源框架分类》为基 础,包含了透过社会-环境-经济可行性、技术可行性和资源估计可信度三 重视角评估资源的一套独特方法论。联合国资源管理系统是公共、公私和民 间社会伙伴关系框架下的可持续综合性资源管理的一种自愿性全球标准。
- Pусский
Многогранные требования устойчивого развития в основном зависят от оптимального и ответственного использования природных ресурсов. Чтобы реализовать потребность в сбалансированном освоении природных ресурсов, требуется новая парадигма добычи и использования природных ресурсов, включая переход к экономике замкнутого цикла. Система управления ресурсами Организации Объединенных Наций (СУРООН)
- Français
Pour satisfaire aux exigences multiformes du développement durable, il faut avant tout utiliser les ressources naturelles de manière optimale et responsable. Il est nécessaire de mettre en place un nouveau paradigme de production et d’utilisation des ressources naturelles, et notamment de progresser vers un modèle d’économie circulaire, si nous voulons parvenir à un développement équilibré des
- Spanish(西班牙语)
Los requisitos pluridimensionales del desarrollo sostenible dependen principalmente del uso óptimo y responsable de los recursos naturales. Se requiere un nuevo paradigma de producción y utilización de los recursos naturales, lo que incluye avanzar hacia una economía circular, para asumir la necesidad de un desarrollo equilibrado de dichos recursos. El Sistema de las Naciones Unidas para la
- English
The multifaceted requirements of sustainable development depend primarily on the optimal and responsible use of natural resources. A new paradigm of natural resource production and use, including progressing towards a circular economy, is required to realise the need for the balanced development of natural resources. The United Nations Resource Management System (UNRMS) is a comprehensive,
- العربية
تعتمد المتطلبات المتعددة الأوجه للتنمية المستدامة في المقام الأول على الاستخدام الأمثل والمسؤول للموارد الطبيعية. إذ تدعو الحاجة إلى نموذج جديد لإنتاج الموارد الطبيعية واستخدامها، بما في ذلك الانتقال إلى اقتصاد دائري، بهدف تحقيق الحاجة إلى التنمية المتوازنة للموارد الطبيعية. ونظام الأمم المتحدة لإدارة الموارد هو إطار شامل ومستدام لإدارة الموارد الطبيعية يدعم تحقيق خطة التنمية المستدامة لعام 2030
- English
The Guidelines on Developing Gender-Responsive Standards offer practical steps to establishing effective policies and practices, which support women’s equal participation as a strategic priority. The report acknowledges that standardization has traditionally been a maledominated world and seeks to offer a baseline for standards development organizations (SDOs) aiming to ensure equity in their
- English
  Low-carbon hydrogen deployment is crucial for achieving the Paris Agreement goals and for deep decarbonization in hard-to-abate sectors (in particular, in heavy long-distance transport, in the steel industry, fertilizer production, etc.). By the end of 2022, more than 70 countries around the world are already involved in drafting of national hydrogen strategies or have already adopted them,