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Displaying Results 101 - 120 of 2835

- Français
Les Règles types pour l’identification permanente du matériel roulant ferroviaire facilitent le financement et l’acquisition de matériel roulant ferroviaire en location à un coût réduit pour ceux qui souhaitent investir dans les chemins de fer. Les Règles types fixent les modalités et les responsabilités pour l’apposition de l’identifiant URVIS sur un élément de matériel roulant ferroviaire. Ces
- Pусский
Модельные правила постоянной идентификации железнодорожного подвижного состава облегчают финансирование и приобретение железнодорожного подвижного состава, что приводит к снижению затрат для тех, кто желает инвестировать в железные дороги. Они выпускаются под эгидой SC.2 и реализуют ключевое требование Люксембургского протокола к Кейптаунской конвенции о международных гарантиях в отношении
- English
"Making the World Safer Together" For a world where roads are safe for every user, everywhere with global reach comes global responsibility. Our work strives to make safe and smart mobility a reality for all. Click here to see the brochure of the Global Safe and Affordable Helmet Campaign.
- English
The short publication Why Gender-Responsive Standards are Better for Everyone offers an explanation and rationale of gender-responsive standards for the new comer. It provides a general overview of the intrinsic nature of standards and how these might affect women and men differently. The publication underlines that gender-responsive standards improve the desired outcome. Standards seek by nature
- English
The free, non-editable electronic version of GHS Rev.10 is available here for consultation purposes. Printed versions and electronic editable versions are available for sale at the United Nations Publications section at:
- English
Climate change, demographic transitions, technological developments and innovation are megatrends affecting forestry work. As the conditions of forestry work change, so does the nature of the work-related risks. Despite efforts and improvements made over the past few decades, forests continue to be one of the most hazardous industrial workplaces, with those working in forests exposed to
- English
Transitioning towards a clean energy future is a core element of global efforts to achieve the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. The technologies underpinning that transition to low-carbon energy systems – such as wind, solar photovoltaic (PV), electric motors and batteries – are more minerals-intensive than fossil fuel-based technologies, however. As a result, the energy transition implies a
- English
In view of their high untapped potential, bioenergy, hydro, solar and wind generation could constitute the building blocks of Ukraine’s future energy system, contributing up to nearly 80% of total energy generation by 2050. Provided key strategies and investments are put in place, and complemented by nuclear, renewables could propel Ukraine towards a carbon-neutral future. These are the main
- English
UNECE Policy Brief on Ageing No. 28 At any age, intersecting factors such as poverty, disability, social isolation and exposure to abuse can increase the risk of vulnerability and weaken resilience in the case of adverse events. The COVID-19 pandemic, rising inflation, natural disasters, and war are examples of adverse events that have disproportionately affected vulnerable persons, including
- Pусский
Модельные правила облегчают финансирование и приобретение железнодорожного подвижного состава, что приводит к снижению затрат для тех, кто желает инвестировать в железные дороги. Они выпускаются под эгидой SC.2 и реализуют ключевое требование Люксембургского протокола к Кейптаунской конвенции о международных гарантиях в отношении мобильного оборудования. Правила определяют способы и
- Français
Les règles types facilitent le financement et l'acquisition de matériel roulant ferroviaire, ce qui réduit les coûts pour ceux qui souhaitent investir dans les chemins de fer. Elles sont publiées sous les auspices du SC.2 et mettent en oeuvre une exigence clé du Protocole de Luxembourg à la Convention du Cap relative aux garanties internationales portant sur des matériels d'équipement mobiles.
- English
Since its independence in 1991, Armenia has been making significant strides towards innovation-led sustainable development. Despite the hurdles Armenia has faced, including regional instability and the global COVID-19 pandemic, the country has managed to maintain a competitive information and communication technology (ICT) sector while fostering an energetic entrepreneurial scene. The success of
- Pусский
Пандемия COVID-19 и война на Украине негативно сказались на экономическом развитии стран-членов ЕЭК ООН, значительно нарушив международную торговлю, инвестиции и сотрудничество. Из-за своего географического положения и стадии развития эти удары особенно сильно повлияли на страны с переходной экономикой, такие, как страны Восточной Европы и Южного Кавказа (ВЕСК) – Армению, Азербайджан, Грузию,
- English
The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have negatively affected economic development in UNECE member States, significantly disrupting international trade, investment and cooperation. Because of their geographical location and development stage, these shocks have hit especially hard in transition economies in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus (EESC) – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the
- English
When it comes to sustainability and circularity, wood as a natural raw material has several advantages over other building materials. As a bio-based resource, it has considerable benefits concerning greenhouse gas emissions, carbon-storing, thermal insulation as well as human health and well-being compared to other construction materials. New types of wood products, being the result of extensive
- English
Public procurement represents 10 per cent of Georgia’s GDP. Therefore, innovation-enhancing procurement (IEP) can be a powerful policy lever to catalyze innovation and promote sustainability. Using public procurement to drive innovation was one of the recommendations of the
- English
The Economic Cooperation and Trade Division (ECTD) assists UNECE’s 56 member States to better integrate into the world economy and to harness trade, innovation and infrastructure financing and investment for the sustainable development of the UNECE region. ECTD’s normative tools cover many diverse areas, ranging from trade facilitation and agricultural quality standards to ESG traceability of
- English
The UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies (WP. 6) has worked in close cooperation with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to Equipment for Use in Explosive Atmospheres (IECEx) to develop a model for legislation in the sector of equipment used in environments with an explosive
- Pусский
В соответствии с Конвенцией по охране и использованию трансграничных водотоков и международных озер (Конвенция по трансграничным водам), секретариатом которой является Европейская экономическая комиссия Организации Объединенных Наций (ЕЭК ООН), Стороны должны разрабатывать и осуществлять совместные программы мониторинга состояния трансграничных вод, осуществлять совместно или в координации друг с