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Displaying Results 421 - 440 of 2835

- Spanish(西班牙语)
En la presente publicación, que forma parte de la serie WP.29, “FuncionamientoParticipación”, se muestran las metodologías que se utilizan para evaluar la rentabilidad socioeconómica de la aplicación de las principales normas de las Naciones Unidas relativas a los vehículos para mejorar la seguridad vial. Se presenta una visión general actual de la seguridad vial y de las estadísticas de
- English
Part of the WP.29, “How it works – How to join it” series, this publication introduces methodologies that are used to evaluate the socioeconomic utility of applying key UN Vehicle Regulations for improving road safety. It presents an overview of current global road safety and vehicle safety statistics, describes methodologies that are used for assessing the impact of vehicle regulations on
- English
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has placed our increasingly interconnected world in an unprecedented situation. This crisis has generated human distress and an economic downturn that is impacting global efforts to improve livelihoods and achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As the early response to restraining the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, limited
- English
Georgia engaged in an impressive array of reforms during the past two decades, turning it into one of the most open, well-governed countries with economies in transition in the UNECE region. The regulatory climate for doing business ranks among the best globally, and Georgia has become a vibrant trade hub, attracted significant investment, and clocked up strong growth over the past decade. One
- English
Unequal power relations operate not only in the public world but also in the private sphere, within households. This Guidance has been developed to support national statistical offices in developing ways to measure power in the private sphere, looking at who usually makes decisions about a variety of matters, from routine grocery shopping to saving up for a car, and from seeing a doctor to
- Pусский
Ежегодный обзор рынка лесных товаров, 2019–2020 годы, содержит всеобъемлющий анализ положения на рынках в регионе ЕЭК ООН, а также информацию о внешних факторах, влияющих на ситуацию в этом регионе. Он охватывает все этапы производственно-распределительной цепочки, от леса до конечного потребителя, т. е. от производства круглого леса и лесоматериалов первичной обработки до выпуска товаров с
- Français
 La Revue annuelle du marché des produits forestiers 2019-2020 fournit une analyse complète des marchés dans la région de la CEE et examine l’influence sur les marchés des principaux facteurs hors de la région. Elle traite des produits forestiers, depuis la forêt jusqu’à l’utilisateur final, c’est-à-dire des bois ronds et des produits de première transformation, aux produits à valeur ajoutée
- English
As the number of international migrants has grown, it is becoming increasingly important for the public and policymakers to understand migratory flows and the impact of migration on individuals, families, societies and economies. For this, it is necessary to look at change over time, as underscored in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. A longitudinal approach where
- English
This publication is intended to assist stakeholders in the forestry sector to successfully navigate the transition to a forest sector that is fully engaged in the green economy. New and increasing opportunities for providing forest-based services and products, growing business and revenue as well as creating jobs arise from this transition. Application of the guidelines will assist in ensuring
- English
This study is a compendium of best practices and illustrates that housing for migrants and refugees can positively support local communities and economies, and facilitate their integration. The study also highlights the key roles of cities and local administrations in housing provision.
- English
Measuring the activities of multinational enterprise groups is one of the major challenges facing producers of official statistics today. Sharing data nationally and internationally on the activities of multinational enterprise groups has become necessary to ensure the high quality of official statistics. This Guide follows in the steps of the two previous guides on globalization - The Impact of
- English
When the Covid-19 pandemic broke out in March 2020, preparations for the 2020 round of population and housing censuses were well underway in countries across the UNECE region: some were already in the field, while the majority were in the advanced stages of planning for a 2021 census. The impacts of the pandemic on census-taking have been wide ranging; from the need for social distancing in
- Pусский
В профиле города Нур-Султан представлены результаты оценки функционирования города по ключевым показателям эффективности (КПЭ) для «умных» устойчивых городов (УУГ) и предложены меры, призванные помочь городу добиться прогресса в достижении ЦУР. В нем приведены руководящие указания для обеспечения устойчивого функционирования города, включая разработку, рассмотрение и осуществление городских
- English
The Nur-Sultan City Profile presents the outcomes of the city evaluation against the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Smart Sustainable Cities (SSC), and proposes actions for the city to make progress towards achieving the SDGs. It provides guidance for Nur-Sultan, including the development, review and implementation of urban policies, programmes, and projects, and for building partnerships
- English
The calendar covers selected findings on biodiversity and protected areas from 15 environmental performance reviews (EPRs) conducted in the period 2012–2020. By disseminating the results of the EPRs in the form of a calendar for the upcoming year, UNECE aims to draw attention to the findings of the reviews and encourage the implementation of the EPR recommendations in 2021 and beyond. For a
- English
This policy brief is part of the United Nations Development Account tranche 13 project: Strengthening Social Protection for Pandemic Response, in particular its workstream on strengthening care policies with a gender lens with the participation of UN regional commissions and cooperating partners, including UN Women regional offices. It analyzes economic and social policies of ECE member states in
- English
- English
Introduction In the future, the year 2020 will be remembered for the COVID-19 pandemic and its related consequences. This may lead to a new normal way of working; but in the meantime, such pandemics could lead to major disruptions in trade flows and damage the overall economic health of countries. There are measures which can be put into place to reduce this impact and allow