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About us

What we do

The Statistical Division of UNECE plays a central role in coordinating international statistical activities between the countries of the UNECE region and beyond, helping to strengthen, modernize and harmonize statistical systems. Everything we do is guided by the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics.
We are at the cutting edge of meeting the challenges in official statistics related to:
  • emerging topics 
  • new developments in traditional areas of statistics
  • concepts that are difficult to define or hard to measure
  • new sources, tools and processes.

Our annual programme of work explains what we are focusing on in 2024.
This flyer gives an overview of the lasting impact and global reach of our work.


How we work

Our work is demand-driven and flexible.  We bring together experts from national and international statistical offices to identify areas where common solutions can be reached through international cooperation.  We then coordinate task forces, expert groups and committees to develop:
  • standards, guidelines and recommendations
  • repositories of best practices
  • capacity-building and technical cooperation activities
  • training materials.
Our work is steered by the Conference of European Statisticians.
You can find free online data in English and Russian in our statistical database.


Who we are

UNECE is based in Geneva, Switzerland. The statistical division consists of around 30 staff from about 20 countries, with expertise across a range of statistical areas.


Learn more

UNECE is one of five regional commissions of the United Nations.  See about UNECE for more information.