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27th session

The 27th session of GE.1 took place on 4-5 December 2017 at the Palais de Nations in Geneva.
The 27th session focused on the finalization of version 4.2 of the eTIR conceptual, functional and technical documentation, took into account the outcome of the work of the Group of Experts on Legal Aspects of Computerization of the TIR Procedure (GE.2) and considered the latest developments related to the financing of the eTIR international system.

Informal document GE.1 No.10 (2017)


Informal document GE.1 No.5 (2017) - Introduction to the eTIR conceptual, functional and technical documentation - Version 4.2a
Informal document GE.1 No.6 (2017) - eTIR concepts - Version 4.2a
Informal document GE.1 No.7 (2017) - eTIR Functional specifications - Version 4.2a
Informal document GE.1 No.8 (2017) - eTIR technical specifications - Version 4.2a
Informal document GE.1 No. 11 (2017) is replaced by ECE/TRANS/WP.30/GE.2/10
Informal document GE.1 No.12 (2017) - Summary of the activities of the network of eTIR focal points
Informal document GE.1 No.13 (2017) - Amendments to the eTIR conceptual, functional and technical documentation - v.4.2a


ECE/TRANS/WP.30/2018/10 (English, French, Russian)


V. Filipova
WCO's initiatives on Transit and eATA


Z. Jeftic
e-CMR: Digitalising consignment notes


Contact and Registration

    Focal point: André Sceia
    Phone: +41 (0)22 917 1313
    E-mail: etir [at]