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Informal Documents

Workshop on Rail Statistics - Information note and provisional agenda
English - PDF

ECE/TRANS/2017/R.1 (Secretariat) - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Strategy
English - PDF

Informal document No. 1 (Secretariat)  - 2015 E-Road traffic census
English - PDF

Informal document No. 2 (Secretariat) - Additional information on the Programme of Work and Biennial Evaluation 2016-2017
English - PDF

Informal document No. 3 (Secretariat) - Data availability for safety performance at level crossings in UNECE member States
English - PDF

Informal document No. 4 (Secretariat) - Rail traffic accident statistics
English - PDF

Informal document No. 5 (THE PEP) - THE PEP Partnership on Cycling - Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion
English - PDF

Informal document No. 6 (Secretariat) - Summary of Decisions
English - PDF



Michael Scrim (Canada)
AGENDA ITEM 2: Rail data in Canada: An Overview
AGENDA ITEM 11: Transportation in Canada: Policy, Data & Technology
English - PDF

Peter Smeets (Netherlands)
AGENDA ITEM 2: Liberalisation of the rail market: Challenges in data collection
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Alice Favre (UIC)
AGENDA ITEM 2: Railways data collection at the UIC
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Ashley Goddard (UK/ORR)
AGENDA ITEM 2: The Data Challenge - Collecting rail statistics in the UK
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Vojtech Eksler (ERA)
AGENDA ITEM 2: Harvesting railway statistics from EU registers
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AGENDA ITEM 2: PRIME - Platform of Rail Infrastructure Managers in Europe
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Hans Strelow (EUROSTAT)
AGENDA ITEM 4с: Eurostat/ITF/UNECE - Common Questionnaire
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AGENDA ITEM 4a: Eurostat/ITF/UNECE - Glossary for Transport Statistics

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AGENDA ITEM 4с: Improving quality and availability of Rail infrastructure statistics
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AGENDA ITEM 4с:  5th RMMS Report
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AGENDA ITEM 4d: Eurostat Transport Safety
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AGENDA ITEM 10: Eurostat data collection
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Georgios Xenellis (EUROSTAT)
AGENDA ITEM 4f: Intermodal Transport Statistics
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AGENDA ITEM 4e: Road Traffic Performance
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Paolo Bolsi (DG MOVE)
AGENDA ITEM 4d: Road Safety Statistics in the EU
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AGENDA ITEM 10: Recent developments in the EU transport policy
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Sergey Filipchenko (Joint Stock Company «Russian Railways» JSCo «RZD»)
AGENDA ITEM 2: Arrangement of statistical monitoring of production processes at Russian railroads
English - PDF

Alexander Blackburn (Secretary of the Working Party on Transport Statistics - WP.6)
AGENDA ITEM 4d: The Rail Accident Statistics Pilot Questionnaire
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AGENDA ITEM 5a: The 2015 E-ROAD CENSUS Results
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AGENDA ITEM 7: Status of UNECE data dissemination
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AGENDA ITEM 7: Future changes to data dissemination on UNECE website
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AGENDA ITEM 6: The Sustainable Mobility for All initiative
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Fiona Willis-Núñez (UNECE Statistical Division)
AGENDA ITEM 4d: Sex disaggregation in road traffic accident statistics
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Tiina Luige (UNECE Statistical Division)
AGENDA ITEM 6: Global Indicator Framework for SGDs
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Martin Dagan (UNECE Transport Division)
AGENDA ITEM 5a: Geographical Information System
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Taml Toroyan (World Health Organization)
AGENDA ITEM 6: Developing global performance targets & indicators for road safety: process and progress
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Mario Barreto (ITF)
AGENDA ITEM 10: ITF Statistical Activities
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Petr Kurenkov (Institute of Management and Information Technologies of the Russian Federation, MIIT)
AGENDA ITEM 4a: Comparison of glossary terms (Comparative analysis of glossary terms)
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AGENDA ITEM 11: Corridors and Logistic Centers in the Global Transport System
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AGENDA ITEM 11: The role of statistics, cartography and geoinformational technologiesin the transport complex of the Russia
English - PDF