(Secretariat) Summary of decisions |
(Secretariat) Programme of work and biennial evaluation |
(Secretariat) Draft terms of reference of the Working Party on Transport Statistics (WP.6) |
(Eurostat) Common tool to promote convergence in the use of the classification for transported goods (NST 2007 Rev) |
(Secretariat) 2010 E-Rail traffic census |
(Secretariat) 2010 E-Road traffic census |
(Secretariat) Methodological development and harmonization of transport statistics: Pilot questionnaire on road traffic performance |
Item 3 (i) - Methodological development and harmonization of transport statistics: Statistics on hinterland connections of seaports (Eurostat) |
Item 7 - Statistical activities of international organizations of interest to the Working Party (Eurostat) |
Item 3 (d) - Methodological development and harmonization of transport statistics: Methodology on road traffic accident statistics (EC) |
Item 7 - Statistical activities of international organizations of interest to the Working Party (ITF) |
Item 3 (j) - Methodological development and harmonization of transport statistics: Data on reduced mobility by rail: Data on rail accessibility (ERA) |
Item 2 - UNECE Inland Transport Committee and its subsidiary bodies: UNDA project on CO2 emissions in inland transport: For Future Inland Transport Systems (ForFITS) (UNECE) |
Item 3 (d) - Methodological development and harmonization of transport statistics: Methodology on road traffic accident statistics : International comparability of statistics on road traffic injuries (Netherlands) |
Item 3 (d) - Methodological development and harmonization of transport statistics: Methodology on road traffic accident statistics (WHO) |
Item 7 Statistical activities of international organizations of interest to the Working Party Developments in the community transport policy and their statistical implications (DG MOVE) |
Item 3 (e) - Methodological development and harmonization of transport statistics: Statistics on the transport of dangerous goods Transportation of Hazardous Goods in the United States: Data from the 2007 Commodity Flow Survey (USA) |