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Displaying Results 1 - 20 of 115

- English
Climate change, demographic transitions, technological developments and innovation are megatrends affecting forestry work. As the conditions of forestry work change, so does the nature of the work-related risks. Despite efforts and improvements made over the past few decades, forests continue to be
- English
The world’s prevalent economic model, based on a ‘take-make-use-dispose’ approach, cannot maintain and raise human standards of living without causing environmental degradation and incurring economic risks. Decoupling economic activity from the increasing demand for natural resources could be done
- English
The Forest Sector Outlook Study, 2020-2040 provides information for the UNECE region that supports decisionmaking by showing the possible medium- and long-term consequences of specific policy choices and structural changes, using scenario analyses whenever possible. The study is the first to cover
- Pусский
На основе оценки возможных среднесрочных и долгосрочных последствий конкретных вариантов политики и структурных изменений, составленной с использованием, по возможности, построенного на сценариях анализа, в Перспективном исследовании по лесному сектору, 2020–2040 годы, представлена информация по
- Français
L’Étude des perspectives du secteur forestier 2020-2040 pour la région de la CEE a pour objectif d’éclairer les décisions à prendre et met en lumière à ce titre les conséquences potentielles, à moyen et à long terme, de certains choix politiques et d’évolutions structurelles spécifiques. Elle s’
- English
This publication is intended to assist stakeholders in the forestry sector to successfully navigate the transition to a forest sector that is fully engaged in the green economy. New and increasing opportunities for providing forest-based services and products, growing business and revenue as well
- English
This study provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of the forest sector workforce in the UNECE region. It analyzes working conditions and occupational safety and health as well as the economic and social contexts that have led to structural changes in the sector, to the extent
- English
This discussion paper includes a description of major transformation drivers of green jobs in the forest sector development, a mapping of (i) existing and emerging green jobs in the sector; (ii) skill requirements and; (iii) education needs for forest professionals in the UNECE region.
- English
This publication is a mid-term review of actions that have been implemented and are in line with the Rovaniemi Action Plan (RAP). Stakeholders of the RAP provided input and the Joint Section also reviewed its own activities. This study also contains a general review of actions reported during
- English
The objectives of this study are to further improve our understanding about the ways in which payments for ecosystem services schemes can be applied to forests, in particular focusing on forest’s
- English
This paper presents green economy related definitions and concepts, and internationally developed assessment methods, notably natural capital accounting approaches, and in this way explore aligning forest sector approaches to those being used in wider contexts. It also proposes preliminary
- English
ECE/TIM/DP/71, the study Green Jobs in the Forest Sector provides an overview of existing Green Forest Jobs and identifies possible areas for future activities and jobs in the forest sector, and may serve as starting point for further analysis and discussion on the future of Green Forest Jobs.
- English
ECE/TIM/DP/67 The ECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission emerged from the International Timber Conference held in 1947 as the key elements of the United Nations tasked with working on matters related to the forest sector in Europe. During their first 70 years of joint
- English
This study provides an overview of the current policy and regulatory environment regarding sustainable construction materials in the building sector in Europe and North America, and, where applicable, offers a commentary on the effectiveness of such regimes in driving the adoption of wood
- Pусский
В Рованиемийском плане действий для лесного сектора в условиях развития “зеленой” экономики, принятом 13 декабря 2013 года в Финляндии, описываются меры, которые мог бы принять лесной сектор региона ЕЭК ООН, с тем
- Français
Le Plan d'action de Rovaniemi relatif au secteur forestier dans le contexte d'une économie verte, qui a été adopte le 13 décembre 2013 en Finlande, décrit comment le secteur forestier région de la CEE pourrait ouvrir la voie à l'économie verte qui se dessine a l'échelle mondiale.11 définit
- English
The Rovaniemi Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy, adopted on 13 December 2013 in Finland, describes how the forest sector in the UNECE region could lead the way towards the emerging green
- Pусский
Плата за экосистемные услуги (ПЭУ) представляет собой плату, которую производит пользователь экологической услуги, каковой, например, является очищение воды, землевладельцам, которые предоставляют такую услугу. Для реального существования ПЭУ требуются четко идентифицированные пользователь и