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Displaying Results 1821 - 1840 of 2825

- English
These Guidelines aim at providing practical advice and guidance to the many homeowners and to professional administrators of housing condominiums in Central and Eastern Europe. The Guidelines hope to provide a comprehensive background to the search for solutions to some of the major problems related to condominium ownership in Central and Eastern Europe.
- English
©2003 United NationsECE/EAD/2003/03: The Accession of Central European Countries to the European Union [pdf format -- 60 pages]
- English
- English
INTRODUCTION The violence against women was taken into account in international documents only since 1993, when the United Nations approved a declaration calling for the elimination of violence against women in all its forms, from violence within marriage and sexual harassment in the workplace to female genital mutilation and forced prostitution. These
- English
[Sales No. E.03.II.E.57]
- English
Economic Studies No. 6Edited by George Stolnitz 1994, xi + 477 pp[ISBN 92–1–100687–2] [Sales No. GV.E.94.2.24]
- Pусский
Document Title RUS GERThe above was originally published by Parties as: Руководство по практиприменению Конвенции Эспоо Leitfaden für die praktische Anwendung der Espoo-Konvention (informal translation by Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) (1.3 MB)
- Français
Document Title FREGERThe above was originally published by Parties as: Directives concernant l'application concrète de la Convention d'EspooLeitfaden für die praktische Anwendung der Espoo-Konvention (informal translation by Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) (1.3 MB
- English
Document Title ENG GERECE/MP.EIA/8 was originally published by Parties as: Guidance on the Practical Application of the Espoo ConventionLeitfaden für die praktische Anwendung der Espoo-Konvention (informal translation by Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) (1.3 MB
- English
Ten years have passed since UNECE received its mandate to undertake Environmental Performance Reviews. To mark the decade, assess progress and propose the Programme’s future direction, UNECE undertook the analysis contained in this publication.