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Displaying Results 2321 - 2340 of 2825

- English
[Sales No. E.99.II.E.19]
- English
This study on the Polish housing sector is the second pilot project carried out by the ECE Committee on Human Settlements to analyse housing sector reform in countries in transition. These country- specific strategic analyses of the housing are intended to assist the Governments of countries in transition in improving the performance of the sector.
- English
The ECE Committee on Environmental Policy included the Environmental Performance Review of Moldova in its work programme in May 1996. In October of the same year, the preparatory mission for the project was organized, and a team of both national and ECE experts was formed to carry out the review. The Governments of Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia and the United Kingdom made
- English
UN Sales Number: E.97.II.E.16 ISBN: 92-1-116695-0 Languages: E
- English
The ECE Committee on Environmental Policy included the Environmental Performance Review of Lithuania in its work programme in January 1997. In February of the same year, the preparatory mission for the project was organized, and a team of both national and ECE experts was formed to carry out the review. The Governments of Austria, Estonia, Finland, Moldova, Poland, Portugal and Ukraine made
- English
The discussion in this publication focuses on three main areas: preconditions for housing sector transition; housing finance policy issues and instruments; and housing finance institutions. It fills the need for a glossary of key terms and concepts.  UN Sales Number: E.97.II.E.14ISBN: 92-1-116695-0 Languages: E
- English
The ECE Committee on Environmental Policy included the Environmental Performance Review of Latvia in its work programme in May 1997. In September of the same year, the preparatory mission for the project was organized, and a team of both national and ECE experts was formed to carry out the review. The Governments of Finland, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Ukraine made national experts
- English
Published by : FAO, Rome
- English
Housing policies and urban development cannot be considered in isolation from the social environment and in particular, the general features of the country concerned. This holds especially for Austria, and even more so for its capital, Vienna, which has a number of characteristics that distinguish it from other European cities of comparable size. This case study on Vienna offers the