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ECE/TRANS/SC.3/185Sales No. E.10.VIII.1ISBN 978-92-1-139137-4Price: US$ 15Languages: E, F, R, G, DHow to order this publication
This publication presents the text of the European Code for Inland Waterways Revision 3 including Annexes and Supplement. It extensively details the Code and covers Articles 1 through 9.ECE/ TRANS/SC.3/115/Rev.4Sales No. E.10.II.E.3ISBN: 978-92-1-117019-1Price: US$ 50Languages: E, F, R How to order this
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Скачать в PDF (Русская версия)The publication titled "Transport for Sustainable Development: The case of Inland Transport” is the result of the cooperation among the five Regional Commissions of the United Nations and key global stakeholders, particularly, the
Télécharger le PDF (version française) The publication titled "Transport for Sustainable Development: The case of Inland Transport” is the result of the cooperation among the five Regional Commissions of the United Nations and key global stakeholders, particularly, the
Download here the PDF version of this publication.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Современный этап развития мировой экономики характеризуется острой конкурентной борьбой за сферы влияния на основных товарных рынках. Глобализация экономики обуславливает бурный рост