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Resource Mobilization


Resource Mobilization Strategy

Resource Mobilization in UNECE aims to mobilize extrabudgetary resources to support the implementation of the mandated UNECE programme of work, in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Plan. 

UNECE - Resource Mobilization Strategy


Funding of UNECE priorities

UNECE is funded through the section 20 of the regular budget of the United Nations. UNECE initial appropriation for 2024 amounts to US$ 39,870,400.

UNECE activities are supplemented by voluntary contributions, also referred to as extrabudgetary contributions. UNECE extrabudgetary contributions are estimated at US$ 24,224,500 for 2024 (A/79/6(Sect.20)

UNECE priority areas for 2023-2024 are outlined in the UNECE Resource Mobilization Plans 2023-2025, presented to EXCOM at the 134th Meeting of 1 July 2024.