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Batumi Action for Cleaner Air (BACA)

At the 8th Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference (Batumi, Georgia, 8-10 June 2016), ministers endorsed the voluntary Batumi Action for Cleaner Air (En / Fr / Ru)–– an initiative supporting countries’ efforts in improving air quality and protecting public health and ecosystems –– and welcomed the initiatives launched by interested countries and other stakeholders aimed at improving air quality and protecting public health and ecosystems. The initiative was prepared under the leadership of the Bureau of the UNECE Air Convention.

At present, 109 commitments have been submitted by 27 countries and 4 organizations. BACA remains open for more stakeholders to join. The first review of progress made under the BACA will be done for the mid-term term review of the Batumi Conference main outcomes in January 2019.

To harmonize the submission of commitments, a template is included in annex to the initiative (En / Fr / Ru).

Governments and other stakeholders are invited to choose appropriate actions from the list of possible actions, as presented in the Batumi Action for Cleaner Air, in accordance with their country-specific needs and with a view to undertaking a voluntarily commitment to implementing them. 

Voluntary commitments by Governments and other stakeholders are posted below and are compiled into a document (En).

Voluntary commitments submitted under the Batumi Action for Cleaner Air (BACA)

Armenia (En)

Austria (En)

Azerbaijan (En)

Belarus (En)

Belgium (En)

Canada (En)

Croatia (En)

Czech Republic (En)

Estonia (En)

France (En)

Georgia (En)

Germany (En)

Hungary (En)

Italy (En)

Latvia (En)

Lithuania (En)

Netherlands (En)

Poland (En)

Portugal (En)

Republic of Moldova (En)

Romania (En)

Slovenia (En)

Spain (En)

Sweden (En)

Switzerland (En)

United States of America (En)

Uzbekistan (En / Ru)

Nordic Council of Ministers (En)

Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (En)


WHO (En)