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Press Releases

Displaying Results 1051 - 1075 of 1455

The Dniester River shared by Moldova and Ukraine will be affected by climate change leading to warmer and wetter winters and hotter, drier summers, says the study carried out within the UNECE-OSCE-UNEP  project under the international Environment and Security initiative (ENVSEC) “Reducing
A healthy forest sector has a key role to play in “greening” the economy, the outcome document “The Future We Want” of the United Nations Rio+20 Conference says. Wood products can substitute for more carbon-intensive and non-renewable materials. Forests prevent environmental degradation due to
The use of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for developing infrastructure and improving the delivery of social services in sectors such as transport, water management, water and wastewater, broadband/ ICT, renewable energy, green PPP, schools and health, the renovation of public buildings as
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon opened the Innovation Fair held from 1-3 July 2013 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva during the ECOSOC Annual Ministerial Review. On this occasion, he visited the UNECE and FAO stand.Activities on display at the stand included the UNECE Innovation
Adapting water management to climate change requires incorporating the needs and views of all players, including agriculture, energy and industry, having a major impact on water use . This was one of the main messages of the fourth workshop on water and climate change in transboundary basins
Current population dynamics in Europe, North America and Central Asia must be seen as an opportunity, not a threat, senior officials of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, and the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) said at the opening of the high-level ICPD regional review conference
UNECE’s World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) adopted on 27 June a United Nations Global Technical Regulation (UN GTR) governing the safety of hydrogen and fuel cell-powered vehicles (HFCVs). This new UN GTR represents the first international legislation in this field  
Viktor Khristenko, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) and Sven Alkalaj, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two organizations in Geneva today.The Memorandum aims at
On 21 June 2013 the first meeting of the high-level Steering Committee of the National Policy Dialogue (NPD) on water was held in Astana, Kazakhstan. At the meeting, it was agreed to form an expert group to initiate an analysis into the benefits of joining the Protocol on Water and Health to the
UNECE adopted a new international standard for whole dried chilli peppers on 18 June 2013 at the sixtieth session of the Specialized Section on Standardization of Dry and Dried Produce. The adoption of this new standard will facilitate international trade of dried chilli peppers for both
All Latin American countries, with one exception, as well as two Caribbean countries – Haiti and the Dominican Republic - met in Buenos Aires to discuss transboundary water cooperation at the invitation of UNECE and partners on 11-12 June. The strong participation from the region proved the
On 12 June, the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) held under the auspices of UNECE in Geneva, endorsed a set of recommendations for a framework to measure sustainable development and associated sets of indicators.   This framework is a key step towards harmonising the various approaches
Cooperation on transboundary waters often results in a wide range of benefits reaching well beyond the water sector. For example, better management of shared waters has helped to limit human and economic losses from floods in the Rhine river basin, reduced the costs of generating electricity from
The Implementation Committee under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) held its first meeting in Geneva on 5 June 2013. Members of the Committee unanimously elected
Innovation is a key driver of sustainable prosperity, and entrepreneurs are key driving forces behind innovation. To promote innovative entrepreneurship, particularly in Southeast Europe, UNECE and the Croatian Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts jointly organized an international conference
UNECE is helping the Sava countries, namely Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, to adapt to climate change and anticipate flood risks. Through a project entitled “Building the link between transboundary flood risk management and climate change adaptation”, this has led to the
A workshop to address and improve the situation of water and health in the Caucasus was held in Tbilisi on 27 and 28 May 2013. Specifically, the meeting gathered over 40 representatives of major governmental and non-governmental stakeholders from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to discuss the
The International Monitoring Operation (IMO) is of the opinion that Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is ready to conduct the Population and Housing Census in October 2013, taking into account the technical preparedness so far and the willingness of the country’s authorities and Statistical
The expert meeting, “Outcomes of Rio+20: challenges and opportunities for the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development” took place on 30 May 2013 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Participants at the meeting, co-organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the
Economic development in the Mediterranean region will require increased regional integration and the implementation of international best practices in legislation and regulations. On 30 and 31 May 2013 parliamentarians from the region gathered in Geneva to discuss how the UNECE and the UN Inter-
A draft new Water Law was presented at the Second Steering Committee meeting of the Georgian National Policy Dialogue (NPD) on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), held in Tbilisi on 30 May 2013. The new Water Law has been drafted by an interministerial working group, supported by UNECE
On 28 May 2013 in Tirana the five Drin River Riparians held the first Meeting of the Parties to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on a Shared Strategic Vision for the Sustainable Management of the Drin River Basin. At the meeting, high-level representatives from the five Riparians decided on an
Russia has more than a fifth of the world's forests, which makes it the largest forest country in the world. However, the considerable potential of Russian forests is underutilized and Russia's share of the global trade in forest products is less than four percent. Referring to ongoing
The UNECE in collaboration with the United Nations Inter-Agency Cluster on Trade and Productive Capacity and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), is organizing a conference on 30-31 May 2013 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva to support economic growth in the Mediterranean
The fifth meeting of the Steering Committee of the European Union (EU) Water Initiative’s National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management was held in Dushanbe on 23 May 2013, to discuss a new Water Sector Reform Strategy, drafted by an interministerial working group supported by