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Displaying Results 41 - 60 of 104

- English
The April 2020 marks the second anniversary of the launch of the United Nations Road Safety Fund (UNRSF). The Fund is now financing 15 projects in 20 low- and middle-income countries to substantially reduce death and injuries from road crashes and to reduce economic losses resulting from these crashes.  
- English
  ECE/TRANS/290, Sales No. E.20.VIII.2, ISBN 978-92-1-117241-6, Price: US$ 35, Languages: E, F, R   The Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for such Carriage (ATP) was done at Geneva on 1 September 1970 and entered into force on 21 November 1976. The objectives of the ATP are to facilitate international transport
- English
As part of the ongoing activities of the Working Party on Rail Transport (SC.2) a workshop titled “Making rail freight more competitive: The coordinated development of the rail network with a focus on how to work together at the government and sectoral levels on the EATL” was held at the seventy-third session of the Working Party.Over 60 participants from national administrations,
- English
The UNECE “White Paper on the progress, accomplishment and future of sustainable inland water transport” is the third edition of a policy paper on the current situation, trends and challenges in inland water transport on European inland waterways of international importance in the region of the Economic Commission for Europe.This third edition follows from the International Conference on
- Pусский
Белая книга ЕЭК ООН о прогрессе, достижении и будущем устойчивого внутреннего водного транспорта является третьим изданием программного документа о текущем положении, тенденциях и проблемах в области внутреннего водного транспорта на европейских внутренних водных путях, имеющих международное значение в регионе Европейской экономической комиссии.Это третье издание следует из материалов
- English
- English
The European Code for Signs and Signals on Inland Waterways (SIGNI), adopted by resolution No. 90 of the Working Party on Inland Water Transport on 5 October 2018, provides recommendations for the competent authorities for the installation and application of buoyage and marking on European inland waterways contained in the fifth revision of CEVNI (ECE/TRANS/SC
- English
As part of the ongoing activities of the Working Party on Rail Transport (SC.2) a workshop titled “Making the railways of the future for the region” was held at the seventy-second session of the Working Party.Over 65 participants from national administrations, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and the private sector discussed, over a number of sessions, the role of
- English
The International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft (ICC) which is issued in accordance with resolution No. 40, is recognized by more than 25 United Nations Member States in the ECE region and beyond. The Guidelines to resolution No. 40 are based on the frequently asked questions of administrations and recreational boaters in order to facilitate an
- English
UNECE provides a common basis for harmonized traffic regulations on European waterways through the European Code for Inland Waterways (CEVNI), which contains the core uniform rules applicable to traffic on inland waterways. The fifth revised edition of CEVNI (CEVNI 5, available as PDF and
- English
Brochure on Trans-European Motorways (TEM) ProjectThis brochure gives an overview of the TEM project, its objectives, organization and how to join it.
- English
Road Safety Audit (RSA) and Road Safety Inspection (RSI) are road infrastructure safety management measures which are considered as important engineering tools for improving infrastructure safety. Road safety is frequently discussed at the TEM Steering Committee, which commissioned Road Safety Audit and Road Safety Inspection on the TEM Network report.The
- English
TEM Project Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 is a roadmap for the implementation of the TEM Project for 2017 – 2021.The Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 value proposition:The TEM Project aims to support UNECE and the Inland Transport Committee in pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals related to road infrastructure management;TEM Project will interpret and translate the Sustainable Development Goals
- Pусский
This study on railway reform in the ECE Region looks at the history of railway reform within its member States and looks at how it has been implemented through a number of examples, highlighting that railway reform across the ECE region has taken different forms in terms of institutional structure, market participants and development of the sector.
- Français
This study on railway reform in the ECE Region looks at the history of railway reform within its member States and looks at how it has been implemented through a number of examples, highlighting that railway reform across the ECE region has taken different forms in terms of institutional structure, market participants and development of the sector.
- English
This study on railway reform in the ECE Region looks at the history of railway reform within its member States and looks at how it has been implemented through a number of examples, highlighting that railway reform across the ECE region has taken different forms in terms of institutional structure, market participants and development of the sector.
- English
Phase 1 of the Highspeed Masterplan for the TER region has now been completed. The study is available here and covers the following areas:- An introduction to, and history of, High Speed Railways- A review of the benefit, political background, best practice and status of high-speed- Review of related work,
- English
ECE/TRANS/271, Sales No. E.17.VIII.2,ISBN 978-92-1-139160-2, Price: US$ 35, Languages: E, F, RThe Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for such Carriage (ATP) was done at Geneva on 1 September 1970 and entered into force on 21 November 1976.             The objectives of
- English
The objective of the Inventory of Main Standards and Parameters of the E Waterway Network (“Blue Book”) is to establish an inventory of existing and envisaged standards and parameters of E waterways and ports in Europe and to show, on an internationally comparable basis, the current inland navigation infrastructure parameters in Europe as compared to the minimum standards and parameters
- Pусский
Цель «Синей книги» - предоставить перечень существующих и планируемых характеристик и параметров водных путей и портов категории E в Европе и показать, на международно-сопоставимой основе, нынешние параметры инфраструктуры внутренних водных путей по сравнению с минимальными характеристиками и параметрами, предписанными в Европейском соглашении о важнейших внутренних водныхпутях международного