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32nd session

Informal Documents 2019

Informal document No. 1 -Workshop on strengthening security on inland freight routes - Programme - Note by the secretariat
English only
Informal document No. 2 - Workshop on quantifying transport costs for landlocked developing countries - Programme - Note by the secretariat
English only
Informal document No. 3 Cancelled
Informal document No. 4 - Euro-Asian Transport Links - Transport corridor operationalisation in the Euro-Asian region and beyond - Note by the secretariat
English only
Informal document No. 5 - Draft version of the Handbook on Sustainable Urban Mobility and Spatial Planning - Submitted by consultants
English only
Informal document No. 6 - Report of the Group of Experts on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Transport Networks and Nodes
English only
Informal document No. 7 - Mobility as a Service - Note by the secretariat
English only
Informal document No. 8 - Technical assistance to countries with economies in transition - Basic principles of the ITC Capacity Development Action Plan - Note by the secretariat
English only
Informal document No. 9 - Rapport de suivi des activités du CETMO - Période janvier 2018 – décembre 2018 - Note transmise par le Centre d’études des transports pour la Méditerranée
Français seulement