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-- WP19/PRES

Several studies have highlighted how in Italy so far there is a significant gender gap in favour of men with respect to ICT diffusion. In fact, in 2022, 78.7 per cent of men aged 11 and over, compared to 72.8 per cent of women of the same age, say they regularly access the Internet.


Household final consumption expenditure distributional accounts: harmonising macro and micro data


The use of the BEPS Country by Country Report for the purpose of representing the structure of MNEs and recording the economic flows between units for estimating GDP and GNI


Within the framework of gender statistics and the need to measure the different genderbased dimensions that hamper gender equality, a central role is played by stereotypes on gender roles.


Social networks are the "modern agoras” and, during the pandemic, it has become a social space where violence against women increased by moving from real to virtual.


Istat (National Statistical Institute of Italy), in collaboration with Unar (National Antidiscrimination Office), is carrying out a project on "Labour discrimination against LGBT+ people and diversity policies implemented in enterprises" which started in 2018.

-- WP21/PRES

Federated Learning, United Nations PETLab, Human Activity Recognition dataset, aggregation strategy, Differential Privacy, Homomorphic Encryption,