Industrial Restructuring, Energy and Enterprise Development Division

Please note that, unless otherwise indicated, all the documents provided below are in PDF format.

Regional Forum "Social Aspects and Financing of Industrial Restructuring"
Moscow, Russian Federation, 26-27 November 2003

Topic 1: Industrial restructuring as a means of enhancing national competitiveness: overview of the problem

Document Title
Document Number
Industrial Restructuring and its Social Aspects: Major Issues 
Prepared by Mr. Iouri Adjoubei - Economic Affairs Officer ,
UNECE Secretariat


Industrial Restructuring in its Social Dimension 
Prepared by Mr. Georgi Kleiner - Deputy Director, 
Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Academy of Sciences, Russian Federatio


Experience and Major Directions of Enterprise Restructuring in Bashkortostan 
Prepared By Mr. Rustem Mardanov - President, National Bank, and Mr. Gyusel Maliouk - Post-Graduate Research Student, Bashkir State University, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation


Increasing the Investment Attractiveness of Enterprises in Russia for Restructuring 
Prepared by Mr. Ruben Yavryan - President, and Mr. Yuriy Nikolskiy - Programme Coordinator, Union of Investors, Russian Federation


Managing the Reorganization of Integrated Structures in Russian Industry 
Prepared by Mr. Yaroslav Kroukovsky - Dean of Faculty, Assistant Professor, Russian State University of Trade and Economics (RSUTE), Omsk Institute of RSUTE,  Russian Federation


Petroleum Machine-Building in Azerbaijan: Developing Strategies for Restructuring 
Prepared by Mr. Sayyaf Ismailov, Engineer, Technical University, Mr. Ali Karakhanov, Engineer, and Mr. Rafael Yusifov, Engineer, "AZNEFTKIMYAMASH" OJSC, Azerbaijan


Excessive and Inefficient Production Capacity: Enhancing the Competitiveness of Domestic Metallurgy 
Prepared by Mr. Andrei Deineko - Head of Department of Metallurgy, Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology, Russian Federation


Effective Demand and Structural Changes in Industry 
Prepared by By Ms. Natalia Raiskaya - Economist, Mr. Yakov Sergienko, Economist, Mr. Alexander Frenkel, Economist, and Mr. Sergey Tsukhlo, Economist, Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies, Russian Federation


Restructuring Inefficient Production Capacity. General Approach to Restructuring 
Prepared by Mr. Leonid Shevelev - Head of Division of Innovations and Investments, Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies Russian Federation


Industrial Restructuring as a Means of Enhancing National Competitiveness: Overview of the Problem TASIS Project on Enterprise Restructuring 
Prepared by Mr. Andrey Neshchadin - Executive Director, Expert Institute, Russian Federation


Risks of Financing the Industrial Restructuring 
Prepared by Ms. Gulnara Djurabaeva - Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russian Federation


Social Goals among the Priorities of Russian CEOs: Dynamics and Policy Implications 
Prepared by Mr. Igor Gurkov - State University, Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation

