UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Annual session


Sixty-second session
Palais des Nations, Geneva
25-27 April 2007


Annual report (24 February 2006 - 27 April 2007) E/2007/37 - E/ECE/1448
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Provisional agenda for the sixty-second session
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Revised tentative timetable  
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Registration form


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Item 2 of the provisional agenda
Implementation of the Reform
(Note by the Executive Secretary)

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Item 3 of the provisional agenda
Issues calling for action by the Commission
(Note by the Executive Secretary)

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Addendum 1 E/ECE/1447/Add.1

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Addendum 2: UNECE Technical Cooperation Strategy E/ECE/1447/Add.2
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Background notes
The Role of the Regional Commissions in the UN Development Work at the Regional Level
(Concept Note)
Item 5 PDF file - 3,104 Kb    
Cooperation for Stability and Prosperity in the UNECE Region
(Concept Note)
Item 6 (a)
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Pan-European Economic Integration in a Globalized World
(Concept Note)
Item 6 (b)
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Sustainable Energy Policies: the Key to Energy Security in the UNECE Region
(Speakers Briefing Note)
Item 8 (a)
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Secure Transport Development: a Key to Regional Cooperation
(Concept Note)
Item 8 (b)
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The Economics of Gender in the European Economy
(Concept Note)
Item 8 (c)
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Background information
Secretary-General's letter of 5 April 2007 to the President of the General Assembly on the Coherence Report Item 5
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Recommendations contained in the report of the High-level Panel on United Nations System-wide Coherence in the areas of development, humanitarian assistance and the environment
(Report of the Secretary-General)
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Coherence Report
Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit 
(Note by the Secretary-General)
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Conference room paper
Implementation of the Reform
(Note by the secretariat)
CRP.1 PDF file - 3,104 Kb
Press / Myrdal Exhibition
Press releases issued on the occasion of the Sixtieth Anniversary Session of the UNECE PDF file - 3,104 Kb
Gunnar Myrdal Exhibition (brochure) PDF file - 3,104 Kb