UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Annual session

Please note that, unless otherwise indicated,
all the documents provided below are in PDF format.

Sixty-first session, Geneva, 21-23 February 2006

E/ECE/1444 Annual report (26 February 2005 - 23 February 2006)   English [153 Kb]
Français [242 Kb]
Russian [350 Kb]
E/ECE/1435 Provisional agenda for the sixty-first session   English [168 Kb]
Français [481 Kb]
Russian [2,079 Kb]
Registration form [24 Kb]
E/ECE/1434/Rev.1 Work Plan on ECE Reform   English [46 KB]
Français [49 KB]
Russian [168 KB]
E/ECE/1436 Provisional agenda item 2: Draft Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Executive Committee of the Economic Commission for Europe   English [29 KB] 
Français [96 KB]
Russian [79 KB]
E/ECE/1437 Provisional agenda item 2: Draft Revised Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Economic Commission for Europe   English [44 KB] 
Français [100 KB]
Russian [118 KB]
E/ECE/1438 Provisional agenda item 3: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in the UNECE region - Progress so far, policy framework and the role of UNECE (Note by the Executive Secretary)   English [75 KB] 
Français [190 KB]
Russian [242 KB]
E/ECE/1439 Report of Ad Hoc Informal Meeting (2 December 2005)   English [19 KB] 
Français [66 KB]
Russian [69 KB]
E/ECE/1440 Provisional agenda item 4: Report of the Group of Experts on the Programme of Work (Report by the Chairman of the Group of Experts)   English [19 KB]
Français [32 KB]
Russian [87 KB]
E/ECE/1440/Add.1 Provisional agenda item 4: Report of the Group of Experts on the Programme of Work (Report by the Chairman of the Group of Experts) - Addendum   English only [141 KB]
E/ECE/1441 Provisional agenda item 5: UNECE Technical Cooperation Activities in 2005: an overview (Note by the Executive Secretary)   English [58 KB] 
Français [142 KB]
Russian [176 KB]
E/ECE/1441/Add.1 Provisional agenda item 5: UNECE Technical Cooperation Activities in 2005: an overview - Addendum (Note by the Executive Secretary)   English only [75 KB] 
E/ECE/1442 Provisional agenda item 6(a): UNECE Contribution to Cycles of the Commission on Sustainable Development
Chair's Summary: UNECE Regional Implementation Forum on Sustainable Development (Geneva, 15-16 December 2005)
by Elliot Morley, Minister for Environment, United Kingdom, Chair of the UNECE Regional Implementation Forum
  English [41 KB] 
Français [124 KB] 
Russian [146 KB]
E/ECE/1443 Provisional agenda item 6(b): ICT Applications in the UNECE Work Programme (Note by the secretariat)   English [52 KB] 
Français [134 KB]
Russian [154 KB]
Conference Room Papers
CRP.1 Provisional agenda item 3: Towards high and sustainable economic growth in the UNECE region: Challenges and policy responses
(Note by the Executive Secretary)
  English (106 Kb) 
CRP.2 Provisional agenda item 3: UNECE Strategic Framework (biennial programme plans) 2008-2009
(Note by the Executive Secretary)
  English (53 Kb) 
  The Millennium Development Goals - The way ahead
A pan-European perspective
  English [3,104 KB]