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Displaying Results 1241 - 1260 of 2813

- English
Intelligent Transport Systems play an important role in shaping the future ways of mobility and the transport sector. We expect that through the use of ITS applications transport will become
- English
This annual publication presents statistics and brief studies on transport along with tables on energy consumption for transport. Data covers Europe, Canada and the United States. This is a trilingual publication in English, French and Russian.2011 version
- English
This brochure provides statistics on the main indicators for road, rail and inland waterways for countries in the UNECE region. The brochure is available for download in English.
- English
The OSCE-UNECE Handbook of Best Practices at Border Crossings – A Trade and Transport Facilitation Perspective
- English
The TEM and TER revised Master Plan Final report consists of two Volumes - Volume l, containing the main text and Volume II – Annexes.Volume I: Main text
- Pусский
Доступный в английском и русском языках.26 стр., Женева, 2012 г.Этот перечень система была разработана в поддержку подготовки, аудита и проверки отчетов по
- English
Available in English and Russian26 pp., Geneva, 2012This checklist system was developed to support the preparation, auditing and inspection of safety reports.
- Pусский
Доступно на английском и русском языках.56 стр., Женева, 2012 г.Эти руководящие принципы были разработаны подробные рекомендации и инструкции по использованию
- English
Available in English and Russian 56 pp., Geneva, 2012 These guidelines have been developed to provide
- English
The Water Sector Reform aims at laying the foundations for an Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) approach to the utilisation of Tajikistan’s water resources, based on decentralization and outsourcing services in a transitional process towards a shared responsibility between the
- English
The Water Sector Reform aims at laying the foundations for an Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) approach to the utilisation of Tajikistan’s water resources, based on decentralization and outsourcing services in a transitional process towards a shared responsibility between the
- Pусский
Продвижение к гендерному равенству и расширению экономических возможностей женщин на пути к устойчивому развитию: передовая практика региона ЕЭК ООНДостижение гендерного равенства требует меры по
- English
Promoting gender equality and women's economic empowerment on the road to sustainable development: good practices from the UNECE regionAchieving gender equality requires measures to compensate for
- English
Sustainable development as defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development is development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It therefore encapsulates the needs of both women and men. Intra-
- English
Sixteen UNECE recommendations have been adopted by the Working Party since 1970 to address standardization and regulatory issues. They set out good practice regarding Regulatory cooperation, Metrology, Standards and Norms, Conformity assessment and Market surveillance.Download these
- English
The European Union Water Initiative (EUWI) National Policy Dialogues (NPD) programme on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is one of the tools of promoting dialogue and cooperation on the management and protection of transboundary waters along the border of Europe and Asia. This
- English
The 2006 High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development at the United Nations General Assembly concluded that international migration could play an important role in national development, provided that it was supported by the right set of strategies and policies. This has led to
- English
In recent decades, families, households and living arrangements have gone through major changes in Europe and North America. In particular, the patterns of family formation, dissolution and reconstitution have become more heterogeneous and family boundaries more ambiguous.This publication
- English
Published October 2012Following the annual Market Discussions of the Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (former Timber Committee), the Committee issues a statement which includes: overview of the forest products sector, developments in specific forest product market sectors, sawn
- English
The degree of use of administrative sources in the statistical production process varies considerably from country to country, from those that have developed fully functioning register-based statistical systems, to those that are just starting to consider this approach. Although several subject