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Displaying Results 801 - 820 of 2813

- English
The objective of the Inventory of Main Standards and Parameters of the E Waterway Network (“Blue Book”) is to establish an inventory of existing and envisaged standards and parameters of E waterways and ports in Europe and to show, on an internationally comparable basis, the current inland
- English
These recommendations have been developed in the light of technical progress, the advent of new substances and materials, the exigencies of modern transport systems and, above all, the requirement to ensure the safety of people, property and the environment. They are addressed to governments and
- English
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21)  issued the REN21 UNECE Renewable Energy Status Report 2017.  The UNECE Renewable
- English
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 on access to energy and the related targets set the ambition for increasing the share of renewable energies in the energy mix. Their achievement is closely linked water management (part of SDG 6 on water and
- English
This publication (volume LVIII) presents statistics and brief studies on transport along with tables on energy consumption for transport. Data covers Europe, Canada and the United States. Download the publication (
- Pусский
Цель «Синей книги» - предоставить перечень существующих и планируемых характеристик и параметров водных путей и портов категории E в Европе и показать, на международно-сопоставимой основе, нынешние параметры инфраструктуры внутренних водных путей по сравнению с минимальными характеристиками и
- Français
Le Livre bleu dresse un inventaire des normes et paramètres actuels et envisagés des voies navigables et ports E en Europe, régulièrement mis à jour par la Division des transports de la CEE-ONU, et présente, sur une base internationale comparable, les paramètres d'infrastructure actuels de la
- English
The brochure has been prepared by the Inter-Agency Coordination Group for Industrial and Chemical Accidents. The Inter-Agency Coordination Group is an informal forum that brings together
- English
UNECE Espoo Convention and Sustainable Development Goals The SDG postcard is available in English. Prepared by the UNECE secretariat, the postcard presents selected examples of how the Convention and in
- English
By providing an intergovernmental science and policy platform for reducing air pollution and its impacts, including climate change, the Air Convention contributes to the attainment of 11 of the SDGs.EN
- English
The water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus approach comes in with the objective of promoting coordination and integrated planning and sustainable management of interlinked resources across sectors, which could speed up the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The nexus could
- English
The present publication contains the third Environmental Performance Review of Bulgaria. It takes stock of progress made by the country in the management of its environment since 2007. The publication covers issues of specific importance to the country related to legal and policy frameworks, the
- English
UNECE Countries in Figures presents a profile of social and economic indicators for each of the 56 UNECE member countries.These profiles, prepared by the UNECE Statistical Division, are intended to be of interest to readers not necessarily familiar with statistical terminology or with
- English
Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents - as amended on 15 December 2015Full Text
- Pусский
The study presents the results of the SEMAFOR (System for the Evaluation of the MAnagement of FORests) pilot study, which tested the method through voluntary assessment of the sustainability of forest management in European countries, on the basis of the Pan-European set of criteria and
- English
The study presents the results of the SEMAFOR (System for the Evaluation of the MAnagement of FORests) pilot study, which tested the method through voluntary assessment of the sustainability of forest management in European countries, on the basis of the Pan-European set of criteria and
- English
This policy brief provides an introduction towards the different stages of and benefits from an assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus, with a specific focus on resource use in transboundary basins. It summarizes the experience from the first three transboundary basins where a