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Displaying Results 1241 - 1260 of 2825

- Français
Download the Brochure in English, French, Russian,
- English
This UNECE publication contains: a background document, a strategic note and, the UNECE road map on ITS.
- English
The Protocol on Water and Health stipulates that “equitable access to water and sanitation, adequate in both quantity and quality, should be provided for all members of the population, especially those who suffer a disadvantage or social exclusion”. At the same time, “special consideration should be given to the protection of people who are particularly vulnerable to water-related diseases”.In
- Français
Le Protocole sur l’eau et la santé stipule qu’« un accès équitable à l’eau et à l’assainissement, adéquat du point de vue aussi bien quantitatif que qualitatif, devrait être assuré à tous les habitants, notamment aux personnes défavorisées ou socialement exclues ». En outre, « une attention spéciale devrait être accordée à la protection des personnes particulièrement vulnérables face aux
- English
Intelligent Transport Systems play an important role in shaping the future ways of mobility and the transport sector. We expect that through the use of ITS applications transport will become more efficient, safer and greener. The huge potentials and benefits, however, can only be reaped if
- English
This annual publication presents statistics and brief studies on transport along with tables on energy consumption for transport. Data covers Europe, Canada and the United States. This is a trilingual publication in English, French and Russian.2011 version PDF
- English
This brochure provides statistics on the main indicators for road, rail and inland waterways for countries in the UNECE region. The brochure is available for download in English.
- English
The OSCE-UNECE Handbook of Best Practices at Border Crossings – A Trade and Transport Facilitation Perspective offers a unique opportunity for countries both in and beyond the OSCE/UNECE region to develop
- English
The TEM and TER revised Master Plan Final report consists of two Volumes - Volume l, containing the main text and Volume II – Annexes.Volume I: Main textVolume II: AnnexesVolume I, is being
- Pусский
Доступный в английском и русском языках.26 стр., Женева, 2012 г.Этот перечень система была разработана в поддержку подготовки, аудита и проверки отчетов по безопасности. Пожалуйста, см. также прилагаемого Руководство.
- English
Available in English and Russian26 pp., Geneva, 2012This checklist system was developed to support the preparation, auditing and inspection of safety reports. Please see also the accompanying Guidelines.ContentsIntroduction to
- Pусский
Доступно на английском и русском языках.56 стр., Женева, 2012 г.Эти руководящие принципы были разработаны подробные рекомендации и инструкции по использованию контрольного перечня система, которая была разработана в поддержку подготовки, аудита и проверки