UNECE works with countries to strengthen their capacity to effectively implement international standards and good practices, and to produce high-quality statistics in accordance with the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics and the UNECE Statistical Capacity Development Strategy.
UNECE statistical capacity development activities are coordinated by the Regional Adviser in Statistics, and can cover all areas of UNECE statistical work. These activities are often carried out in partnership with other regional and international organisations, and are coordinated through the Regional Coordination Group on Data and Statistics for Europe and Central Asia.
Activities and events
UNECE statistical capacity development activities provide producers and users of official statistics with access to high-level expertise and international good practices. Advisory missions, training workshops and other capacity development activities are organized for individual countries or groups of countries on demand.
The capacity development cycle typically starts with reviews of national statistical systems. These reviews, called Global Assessments, peer reviews or sector reviews are conducted jointly by UNECE, Eurostat (the statistical office of the European Union) and EFTA (the European Free Trade Association). The reports from these reviews provide detailed recommendations for the sustainable development of national statistical systems, to be incorporated into statistical capacity development programmes and strategies (e.g. National Strategies for the Development of Statistics). These strategies are then made operational through annual statistical programmes of work and implemented by the beneficiary countries, with the support of UNECE and other partners. The reports are published below:
- Georgia (Sectoral Review of Environmental Statistics - 2024) (English)
- Georgia (Strategic Review - 2023) (English)
- Kazakhstan (Global Assessment - 2023) (English)
- Georgia (Sector Review of GSBPM Implementation – 2023) (English)
- Armenia (Sector Review of GAMSO Implementation – 2022) (English)
- Kyrgyzstan (Global Assessment 2021) (English)
- Belarus (Global Assessment 2020) (English)
- Georgia (Sector Review of Statistical IT – 2019) (English)
- Armenia (Sector Review of Statistical IT – 2019) (English)
- Georgia (Global Assessment 2019) (English)
- Armenia (Peer Review – 2018) (English)
- Moldova (Global Assessment 2018) (English)
- Uzbekistan (Joint Overview – 2018) (English)
- Kazakhstan (Global Assessment 2017) (English) (Russian)
- Azerbaijan (Global Assessment 2017) (English)
- Ukraine (Global Assessment 2017) (English)
- Mongolia (Global Assessment 2014) (English)
- Belarus (Global Assessment 2013) (English) (Russian)
- Georgia (Global Assessment 2013) (English)
- Moldova (Global Assessment 2013) (English)
- Tajikistan (Global Assessment 2013) (English) (Russian)
- Ukraine (Global Assessment 2012) (English) (Russian)
- Kyrgyzstan (Global Assessment 2011) (English) (Russian)
- Azerbaijan (Global Assessment 2011) (English)
- Armenia (Global Assessment 2009) (English) (Russian)
- Kazakhstan (Global Assessment 2008) (English) (Russian)