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2023 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/154      
2023/1 Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-East PDF PDF PDF
2023/2 Adoption of the Guidance document on technical measures for reduction of methane emissions from landfill, the natural gas grid and biogas facilities PDF PDF PDF
2023/3 Adoption of the Guidance document on technical measures for reduction of air pollutant emissions from shipping PDF PDF PDF
2023/4 Adoption of the document on co-mitigation of methane and ammonia emissions from agricultural sources PDF PDF PDF
2023/5 Launching a process to revise the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone, as amended in 2012, and to address other conclusions of its review PDF PDF PDF
2022 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/150 and ECE/EB.AIR/150/Add.1      
2022/1 Adoption of the updated Guidelines for Reporting Emissions and Projections Data under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution   PDF PDF PDF
2022/2 Reporting of emissions and projections data under the Convention and its protocols in force PDF PDF PDF
2022/3 Adoption of the strategy for scientific bodies under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution PDF PDF PDF
2022/4 Conclusion of the review of the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone, as amended in 2012, and the path forward PDF PDF PDF
2022/5 Amendment to decision 2002/1 on the financing of core activities PDF PDF PDF
2022/6 Impartiality declaration for elected officers PDF PDF PDF
2021 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/148      
2021/1 Adoption of the Guidance document on reduction of emissions from agricultural residue burning PDF PDF PDF
2021/2 Adoption of the guidance document entitled "Prioritizing reductions of particulate matter from sources matter that are also significant sources of black carbon analysis and guidance" PDF PDF PDF
2021/3 Methodology for technical corrections to the emission baseline and emission reduction commitments of the European Union set out in tables 26 of annex II to the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone, as amended in 2012, to account for changes in the membership of the European Union PDF PDF PDF
2021/4 Amendment to decision 2002/1 on the financing of core activities PDF PDF PDF
2021/5 Mandate of the Task Force for International Cooperation on Air Pollution PDF PDF PDF
2021/6 Review of the rules of procedure for the sessions of the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution as adopted by decision 2010/19 and amended by decision 2013/1 PDF PDF PDF
2020 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/146      
2020/1 Adoption of the Guidance document on integrated sustainable nitrogen management PDF PDF PDF
2020/2 Plan for undertaking the review of the Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone, as amended in 2012, pursuant to its article 10 PDF PDF PDF
2019 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/144/Add. 1      
2019/1 Monitoring strategy for the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation
of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe for the period 2020–2029
2019/2 Review of compliance by Parties to the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone (Gothenburg Protocol) PDF PDF PDF
2019/3 Adoption of the code of good practice for wood-burning and small combustion installations PDF PDF PDF
2019/4 The review of the Gothenburg Protocol,
as amended in 2012
2019/5 Establishment of the forum for international cooperation on air pollution PDF PDF PDF
2019/6 Revised mandate of the Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections PDF PDF PDF
2019/7 Revised mandate of the Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling PDF PDF PDF
2019/8 Revised mandate of the Task Force on Measurements and Modelling PDF PDF PDF
2019/9 Revised mandate of the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution PDF PDF PDF
2019/10 Revised mandate for the Chemical Coordinating Centre         PDF PDF PDF
2019/11 Revised mandate for the Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-East PDF PDF PDF
2019/12 Revised mandate for the Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-West PDF PDF PDF
2019/13 Revised mandate for the Centre for Integrated Assessment Modelling PDF PDF PDF
2019/14 Revised mandate for the Centre on
Emission Inventories and Projections
2019/15 Revised mandate for the International Cooperative Programme on Assessment
and Monitoring of the Effects of
Air Pollution on Rivers and Lakes
2019/16 Revised mandate for the International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests PDF PDF PDF
2019/17 Revised mandate for the International Cooperative Programme on Effects of Air Pollution on Natural Vegetation and Crops PDF PDF PDF
2019/18 Revised mandate for the International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems PDF PDF PDF
2019/19 Revised mandate for the International Cooperative Programme on Effects of Air Pollution on Materials, including Historic
and Cultural Monuments
2019/20 Revised mandate for the International Cooperative Programme on Modelling and Mapping of Critical Levels and Loads and
Air Pollution Effects, Risks and Trends
2019/21 Revised mandate for the Joint Task Force
on the Health Aspects of Air Pollution
2019/22 Amendment to decision 2002/1 on
the financing of core activities
2019/23 Amendment of annex VII to the 1999 Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone,
as amended on 4 May 2012
2018 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/142/Add. 1 and Add.2      
2018/1 Updated methods and procedures for
the technical reviews of air pollutant emission inventories reported under
the Convention 
2018/2 Compliance by Liechtenstein with the Protocol on Heavy Metals (ref. 24/13 (Hg), 6/17 (Cd)) and the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants
(ref. 4/17 (dioxin/furan, PAH, HCB))
2018/3 Compliance by Latvia with the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants
(ref. 3/10 (HCB))
2018/4  Designation of focal points  PDF PDF PDF
2018/5 Long-term strategy for the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution for 2020−2030 and beyond   PDF PDF PDF
2018/6 Revised mandate of the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen PDF PDF


2018/7 Revised mandate of the Task Force on Techno-economic Issues  PDF PDF PDF
2018/8 Amendment to decision 2002/1 on the financing of core activities PDF PDF PDF
  Document title ENG FRE RUS
2017 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/140       
2017/1 Compliance with reporting obligations  PDF PDF PDF
2017/2 Compliance by Norway with the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone (ref. 26/13 (NH3))  PDF PDF PDF
2017/3 Adjustments under the Protocol to Abate
Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone to account for changes in the membership of the European Union
2017/4 Further work by the ad hoc policy review group of experts on the 2016 scientific assessment of the Convention  PDF PDF PDF
  Document tittle ENG FRE RUS
2016 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/135 and ECE/EB.AIR/137
2016/1 Establishment of an ad hoc policy review group of experts on the 2016 scientific assessment of the Conventions PDF PDF PDF
2016/2 Adoption of guidance document on emission control techniques for mobile sources PDF PDF PDF
2016/3 Improving the effectiveness of reporting on strategies, policies and other measures to implement obligations under the Convention and its Protocols PDF PDF PDF
2016/4 Compliance by the European Union with Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone (ref. 5/13 (NOx)) PDF PDF PDF
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
2014 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/127/Add.1
2014/1 Improving the guidance for adjustments under the 1999 Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground level Ozone to emission reduction commitments or to inventories for the purposes of comparing total national emissions with them PDF PDF PDF
2014/2 Establishment of the Task Force on Techno-economic Issues PDF PDF PDF
2014/3 Leadership of the Task Force of Reactive Nitrogen PDF PDF PDF
2014/4 Compliance by Cyprus with the Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary Fluxes PDF PDF PDF
2014/5 Compliance by Liechtenstein with the Protocol on Heavy Metals PDF PDF PDF
2014/6 Compliance by Estonia with the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants PDF PDF PDF
2014/7 Compliance by Latvia with the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants PDF PDF PDF
2014/8 Compliance by Albania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Montenegro and Sweden with their reporting obligations PDF PDF PDF
2013 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/122/Add.1
Document Title ENG FRE RUS
2013 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/122/Add.1                                                                 
2013/1 Amendment to the rules of procedure PDF PDF PDF

Reporting on strategies, policies and other measures to implement obligations under the Convention and its Protocols                        

2013/3 Adoption of Guidelines for Reporting Emissions and Projections Data under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution PDF PDF PDF
2013/4 Reporting of emissions and projections data under the Convention and its protocols in force PDF PDF PDF
2013/5 Concerning Compliance by Cyprus with the Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary Fluxes and the Protocol on Heavy Metals PDF PDF PDF
2013/6 Concerning compliance by Greece with the Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary Fluxes PDF PDF PDF
2013/7 Concerning compliance by Spain with the Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary Fluxes PDF PDF PDF
2013/8 Concerning compliance by Denmark with the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants PDF PDF PDF
2013/9 Concerning compliance by Iceland with the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants PDF PDF PDF
2013/10 Concerning compliance by Luxembourg with the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants PDF PDF PDF
2013/11 Concerning compliance by the Republic of Moldova with the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants PDF PDF PDF
2013/12 Concerning compliance by the Netherlands with the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants PDF PDF PDF
2013/13 Concerning compliance by Denmark with the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone PDF PDF PDF
2013/14 Concerning compliance by the European Union with the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone PDF PDF PDF
2013/15 Concerning compliance by Finland with the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone PDF PDF PDF
2013/16 Concerning compliance by Luxembourg with the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone PDF PDF PDF
2013/17 Concerning compliance by the European Union, Latvia and the Russian Federation with their obligations to report on strategies and policies PDF PDF PDF
2013/18 Concerning compliance by Albania, Croatia, Liechtenstein, Norway, Romania, the Russian Federation and
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia with their obligations to report annual emission data
2013/19 Concerning compliance by Croatia, Norway, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia with their obligations to report gridded emission data PDF PDF PDF
2013/20 Concerning compliance by the European Union with its obligations to report projections PDF PDF PDF
2013/21 Concerning compliance by Luxembourg with its reporting obligations PDF PDF PDF
2013/22 Report of the ad hoc group of experts on the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Long-term Strategy for the Convention PDF PDF PDF
2013/23 Adoption of guidance document on health and environmental improvements using new knowledge, methods and data to the 1999 Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone PDF PDF PDF
2012 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/111/Add.1 and ECE/EB.AIR/113/Add.1
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
2012 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/111/Add.1 and ECE/EB.AIR/113/Add.1
2012/1 Amendment of annex I to the Gothenburg Protocol  PDF  PDF
2012/2 Amendment of the text and annexes II to IX to the Gothenburg Protocol and addition of new annexes X and XI PDF PDF PDF
2012/3 Adjustments under the Gothenburg Protocol to emission reduction commitments or to inventories for the purposes of comparing national total emissions with them PDF PDF PDF
2012/4 Provisional application of amendment to the Gothenburg Protocol PDF PDF PDF
2012/5 Amendment of the text and annexes other than III and VII to the 1998 Protocol on Heavy Metals PDF PDF PDF
2012/6 Amendment of Annex III to the 1998 Protocol on Heavy Metals PDF PDF PDF
2012/7 Adoption of Guidance document on best available techniques for controlling emissions of heavy metals and their compounds from the source categories listed in annex II PDF PDF PDF
2012/8 Adoption of Guidance document on control techniques for emissions of sulphur, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter (including PM10, PM2.5 and black carbon) from stationary sources PDF PDF PDF
2012/9 Adoption of Guidance document on economic instruments to reduce emissions of regional air pollutants to the 1999 Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone PDF PDF PDF
2012/10 Adoption of Guidance document on national nitrogen budgets PDF PDF PDF
2012/11 Adoption of Guidance document on preventing and abating ammonia emissions from agricultural sources PDF PDF PDF
2012/12 Guidance for adjustments under the 1999 Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone to emission reduction commitments or to inventories for the purposes of comparing total national emissions with them PDF PDF PDF
2012/13 Changing of the EMEP grid projection, spatial resolution and domain PDF PDF PDF
2012/14 Concerning compliance by Cyprus with the Protocol on Heavy Metals (ref. 8/10) PDF PDF PDF
2012/15 Concerning compliance by Spain with the Protocol on Volatile Organic Compounds (ref. 6/02) PDF PDF PDF
2012/16 Concerning compliance by Denmark with the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (ref. 1/06) PDF PDF PDF
2012/17 Concerning compliance by Estonia, Germany, Italy and Latvia with the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (refs. 2/10, 5/10, 10/10, 3/10 and 11/10) PDF PDF PDF
2012/18 Concerning compliance by Iceland with the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (ref. 6/10) PDF PDF PDF
2012/19 Concerning compliance by the Republic of Moldova with the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants PDF PDF PDF
2012/20 Concerning compliance by Luxembourg with its reporting obligations PDF PDF PDF
2012/21 Concerning compliance by France, Latvia, the Russian Federation and the European Union with their obligations to report on strategies and policies PDF PDF PDF
2012/22 Concerning compliance by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Switzerland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with their obligations to report gridded emission data PDF PDF PDF
2012/23 Concerning compliance by Albania, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia with their obligations to report annual emission data PDF PDF PDF
2012/24 Concerning the reporting of persistent organic pollutants PDF PDF PDF
2012/25 Improving the functioning of the Implementation Committee PDF PDF PDF
2012/26 High-level Meeting on Actions to Promote Improved Air Quality in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia PDF PDF PDF
2011 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/109/Add.1
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
2011 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/109/Add.1
2011/1 Review and revision of protocols  PDF  PDF
2011/2 Compliance by Greece with its obligations under the Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 2/02)  PDF  PDF
2011/3 Compliance by Spain with its obligations under the Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 4/02)  PDF  PDF
2011/4 Compliance by Spain with its obligations under the Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 6/02)  PDF  PDF
2011/5 Compliance by Denmark with its obligations under the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (ref. 1/06)  PDF  PDF
2011/6 Compliance by Estonia, Germany, Italy and Latvia with their obligations under the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (refs. 2/10, 10/10, 11/10)  PDF  PDF
2011/7 Compliance by Iceland with its obligations under the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (ref. 6/10)  PDF  PDF
2011/8 Compliance by the Republic of Moldova with its obligations under the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (ref.14/10)  PDF  PDF
2011/9 Compliance by Luxembourg with its reporting obligations  PDF  PDF
2011/10 Compliance by France, Latvia, the Russian Federation and the European Union with their obligations to report on strategies and policies  PDF  PDF
2011/11 Compliance by Albania, Iceland and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia with their obligations to report on emissions  PDF  PDF
2011/12 Compliance by the Republic of Moldova with its obligations to report on emissions  PDF  PDF
2011/13 Reporting of persistent organic pollutants emissions  PDF  PDF
2011/14 Action Plan for the Implementation of the Long-term Strategy for the Convention  PDF  PDF
2010 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/106/Add.1
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
2010 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/106/Add.1
2010/1 Revised mandate for the Task Force on the Hemispheric transport of Air Pollution  PDF  PDF
2010/2 Implications of the reports of the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution and the Ad Hoc Expert Group on Black Carbon  PDF  PDF
2010/3 Compliance by Greece with the Protocol on Nitrogen Oxides (ref.2/02)  PDF  PDF
2010/4 Compliance by Spain with the Protocol on Nitrogen Oxides (ref. 4/02)  PDF  PDF
2010/5 Compliance by Spain with the Protocol on Volatile Organic Compounds (ref. 6/02)  PDF  PDF
2010/6 Compliance by Denmark with the Protocol on POPs (ref. 1/06)  PDF  PDF
2010/7 Compliance by Cyprus with the Protocol on Nitrogen Oxies (ref. 1/08)  PDF  PDF
2010/8 Compliance by Cyprus with the Protocol on Heavy Metals (cadmium) (ref.1/10)  PDF  PDF
2010/9 Compliance by Cyprus with the Protocol on Heavy Metals (mercury) (ref. 8/10)  PDF  PDF
2010/10 Compliance by Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Italy and Latvia with the Protocol on POPs (ref. 7/10, 2/10, 5/10, 10/10, 3/10, 11/10)  PDF  PDF
2010/11 Compliance by Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, Romania, the Russian Federation, Spain and Switzerland with their obligations to report on strategies and policies  PDF  PDF
2010/12 Compliance by Albania, France, Ireland, Lithuania, Monaco and the European Union with their obligations to report on strategies and policies  PDF  PDF
2010/13 Compliance by Greece and Latvia with their obligations to report on strategies and policies  PDF  PDF
2010/14 Compliance by the Republic of Moldova with its reporting obligations  PDF  PDF
2010/15 Compliance by Iceland with its obligations to report on emissions  PDF  PDF
2010/16 Compliance by Luxembourg with its reporting obligations  PDF  PDF
2010/17 Establishment of a coordinating group on the promotion of actions towards implementation of the Convention in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia  PDF  PDF
2010/18 Long-term strategy for the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and Action Plan for its implmentation  PDF  PDF
2010/19 Rules of procedure  PDF  PDF
2009 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/99/Add.1
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
2009 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/99/Add.1
Decision 2009/13 Compliance by Estonia, France and Luxembourg with their obligations to report gridded emission data
Decision 2009/12 Compliance by the Republic of Moldova with its reporting obligations
Decision 2009/11 Compliance by Iceland with its obligations to report on emissions
Decision 2009/10 Compliance by Cyprus with its obligations under the 1988 Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 1/08)
Decision 2009/9 Compliance by Denmark with its obligations under the 1998 Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (ref. 1/06)
Decision 2009/8 Compliance by Spain with its obligations under the 1991 Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 6/02)
Decision 2009/7 Compliance by Spain with its obligations under the 1988 Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 4/02)
Decision 2009/6 Compliance by Greece with its obligations under the 1988 Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 2/02)
Decision 2009/5
Establishment of an ad hoc expert group on black carbon
Decision 2009/4 Guidance document on best available techniques to control emissions to the 1998 Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants
Decision 2009/3 Amendment of annexes V and VII to the 1998 Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants
Decision 2009/2 Listing os short-chain chlorinated paraffins and polychlorinated naphtalenes in annexes I and II to the 1998 Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants
Decision 2009/1 Amendment of the text of and annexes I, II, III, IV, VI and VIII to the 1998 Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants
2008 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/96/Add.I
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
2008 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/96/Add.I
Decision 2008/16 Emission data reporting under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary air Pollution and its protocols
Decision 2008/15
Compliance by the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation with their obligations to report on strategies and policies
Decision 2008/14
Compliance by Estonia, France, Italy and Monaco with their obligation to report on strategies and policies
Decision 2008/13 Compliance by Greece, Latvia and the European Community with their obligations to report on strategies and policies
Decision 2008/12
Compliance by Liechtenstein and Luxembourg with their obligations to report on strategies and policies
Decision 2008/11
Compliance by certain Parties with their obligations to report on emissions
Decision 2008/10
Compliance by Greece and Romania with their obligations to report on emissions
Decision 2008/9
Compliance by Luxembourg with its obligations to report on emissions
Decision 2008/8
Compliance by Liechtenstein with its obligations to report on emissions
Decision 2008/7
Compliance by Cyprus with its obligations under the 1988 protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 1/08)
Decision 2008/6
Compliance by Denmark with its obligations under the 1998 protocol on POPs (ref. 1/06)
Decision 2008/5
Compliance by Spain with its obligations under the 1991 protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 6/02)
Decision 2008/4
Compliance by Spain with its obligations under the 1988 protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 4/02)
Decision 2008/3
Compliance by Greece with its obligations under the 1988 protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 2/02)
Compliance by Norway with its obligations under the 1991 protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 1/01)
Decision 2008/1

Reporting of the monitoring and modelling of air pollution effects under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and its protocols

2007 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/91/Add.1
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS

2007 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/91/Add.1

Compliance by Liechtenstein with its obligations to report on emissions
Compliance by Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Romania with their obligations to report on strategies and policies
Compliance by Parties other than Liechtenstein with their obligations to report on emissions
Compliance by Parties other than Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Romania with their obligations to report on strategies and policies
Compliance by Denmark with its obligations under the 1998 Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (ref. 1/06)
Compliance by Spain with its obligations under the 1991 Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or Their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 6/02)
Compliance by Spain with its obligations under the 1988 Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or Their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 4/02)
Compliance by Greece with its obligations under the 1988 Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or Their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 2/02)
Compliance by Norway with its obligations under the 1991 Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or Their Transboundary Fluxes (ref. 1/01)
Establishment of a Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen
Annex III Contributions to core activities for 2008 not covered by EMEP Protocol (revisions to decision 2002/1)
Annex II Revised scale of contributions for financing EMEP (revisions of annex to the EMEP Protocol)
Annex I Revised mandate of the Executive Body Bureau (revision to decision 1999/2)
2006 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/89/Add.1
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
2006 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/89/Add.1
Decision 2006/13 Facilitation of participation of countries with economies in transition
Decision 2006/12 Funding for Secretariat travel
Decision 2006/11 Accreditation of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) to attend meetings under the Convention
Decision 2006/10 Compliance with Reporting Obligations
Decision 2006/9 Compliance by Iceland to the 1998 Protocol on POPs
Decision 2006/8 Compliance by Denmark to the 1998 Protocol on POPs
Decision 2006/7 Compliance by Spain to the 1991 VOC Protocol
Decision 2006/6 Compliance by Spain to the 1998 NOX Protocol
Decision 2006/5 Compliance by Greece to the 1998 NOX Protocol
Decision 2006/4 Compliance by Norway to the 1991 VOC Protocol
Decision 2006/3 Compliance by Slovenia to the 1994 Protocol on further reduction of Sulphur Emissions
Decision 2006/2 Implementation Committee, its structure and functions and procedure for review
Decision 2006/1 Data availability under the Convention
2005 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/87/Add.1
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
2005 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/87/Add.1
Decision 2005/9 Facilitation of participation of countries with economies in transition (Annex IX)
Decision 2005/8 Compliance with Reporting Obligations
(Annex VIII)
Decision 2005/7 Compliance by Spain to the 1991 VOC Protocol
(Annex VII)
Decision 2005/6 Compliance by Spain to the 1988 NOX Protocol
(Annex VI)
Decision 2005/5 Compliance by Ireland to the 1988 NOX Protocol
(Annex V)
Decision 2005/4 Compliance by Greece to the 1988 NOX Protocol
(Annex IV)
Decision 2005/3 Compliance by Italy to the 1991 VOC Protocol
(Annex III)
Decision 2005/2 Compliance by Norway to the 1991 VOC Protocol
nex II)
Decision 2005/1 Emission Data reporting under the Protocol on HMs, POPs and Gothenburg Protocol
(Annex I)
2004 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/83/Add.1

Document Title




2004 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/83/Add.1
Decision 2004/12 Compliance with Reporting Obligations
(Annex XII)
Decision 2004/11 Compliance by Luxembourg with the 1991 VOC Protocol
(Annex XI)
Decision 2004/10 Compliance by Spain with the 1991 VOC Protocol
(Annex X)
Decision 2004/9 Compliance by Spain with the 1988 NOx Protocol
(Annex IX)
Decision 2004/8 Compliance by Ireland with the 1988 NOx Protocol
(Annex VIII)
Decision 2004/7 Compliance by Greece with the 1988 NOx Protocol
(Annex VII)
Decision 2004/6 Compliance by Norway with the 1991 VOC Protocol
(Annex VI)
Decision 2004/5 Compliance by Slovenia with the 1994 Oslo Protocol
(Annex V)
Decision 2004/4 Establishment of a Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (Annex IV)
Decision 2004/3 Establishment of an Expert Group on Particulate Matter
(Annex III)
Decision 2004/2 Establishment of a Task Force on Heavy Metals
(Annex II)
Decision 2004/1 Implementation of the EMEP Monitoring Strategy
(Annex I)
2003 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/79/Add.1
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
2003 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/79/Add.1
Decision 2003/11 Facilitation of participation of countries with economies in transition
(Annex  XI)
Decision 2003/10 Establishing a Task Force on Persistent Organic Pollutants
(Annex  X)
Decision 2003/9 Compliance with Reporting Obligations
(Annex IX)
Decision 2003/8 Compliance by Spain with the 1991 VOC Protocol
(Annex VIII)
Decision 2003/7 Compliance by Spain with the 1988 NOx Protocol
(Annex VII)
Decision 2003/6 Compliance by Ireland with the 1988 NOx Protocol
(Annex VI)
Decision 2003/5 Compliance by Greece with the 1988 NOx Protocol
(Annex V)
Decision 2003/4 Compliance by Sweden with the 1991 VOC Protocol
(Annex IV)
Decision 2003/3 Compliance by Italy with the 1991 VOC Protocol
(Annex III)
Decision 2003/2 Compliance by Finland with the 1991 VOC Protocol
(Annex II)
Decision 2003/1 Compliance by Norway with the 1991 VOC Protocol
(Annex I)
2002 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/77/Add.1
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
2002 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/77/Add.1
Decision 2002/10 Emission date reporting under the convention and the protocols in force
(Annex XI)
Decision 2002/9 Compliance by Parties with their reporting obligations
(Annex X)
Decision 2002/8 Compliance by Spain with the 1988 NOx Protocol
(Annex IX)
Decision 2002/7 Compliance by Ireland with the 1988 NOx Protocol
(Annex VIII)
Decision 2002/6 Compliance by Greece with the 1988 NOx Protocol
(Annex VII)
Decision 2002/5 Compliance by Sweden with the 1991 VOC Protocol
Annex VI)
Decision 2002/4 Compliance by Italy with the 1991 VOC Protocol
Annex V)
Decision 2002/3 Compliance by Finland with the 1991 VOC Protocol
Annex IV)
Decision 2002/2 Compliance by Norway with the 1991 VOC Protocol
(Annex III)
Decision 2002/1 Financing of Core Activities
(Annex I)
2001 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/75
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
2001 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/75
Decision 2001/6 Facilitation of participation of countries with economies in transition
(Annex X)
Decision 2001/5 Recommendation on the Financing of Core Activities in 2002-2004
(Annex IX)
Decision 2001/4 Compliance by Parties with their reporting obligations
(Annex IV)
Decision 2001/3 Compliance by Italy with the 1991 VOC Protocol
(Annex III)
Decision 2001/2 Compliance by Finland with the 1991 VOC Protocol
(Annex II)
Decision 2001/1 Compliance by Norway with the 1991 VOC Protocol
(Annex I)
2000 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/71
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
2000 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/71
Decision 2000/3 Recommendation on the Financing of Core Activities in 2001-2003
(Annex III)
Decision 2000/2 Compliance by the Parties with their reporting obligations
(Annex II)
Decision 2000/1 The compliance by Slovenia with the 1994 Oslo Protocol
(Annex I)
1999 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/68
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
1999 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/68
Decision 1999/2 The structure and organization of work
(Annex III)
Decision 1999/1 The guidance documents for the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone
(Annex I)
1998 EB Decision
  Document Title EN FRE RUS
1998 EB Decision
Decision 1998/6 The application of the compliance procedure to the Oslo Protocol (ECE/EB.AIR/59, annex II)
Decision 1998/5 The review foreseen under article 8 of the 1994 Oslo Protocol (ECE/EB.AIR/59, annex I)
Decision 1998/4 Guidelines and procedures for data release (ECE/EB.AIR/55, annex)
Decision 1998/3 Procedure for amending decisions pertaining to the Implementation Committee (EB.AIR/WG.5/52, annex III)
Decision 1998/2 Information to be submitted and the procedure for adding substances to Annexes I, II or III to the Protocol on POPs (ECE/EB.AIR/60)  
Decision 1998/1 Criteria and procedures for adding heavy metals and products to the Protocol on Heavy Metals (ECE/EB.AIR/61)  
1997 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/53
  Document Title ENG FRE RUS
1997 EB Decision: ECE/EB.AIR/53
Decision 1997/4 Facilitation of participation of countries with economies in transition
(Annex VII) Superseded by decision 2001/6
Decision 1997/3 Compliance monitoring for the VOC Protocol
(Annex IV)
Decision 1997/2 The Implementation Committee, its structure and functions and procedures for review of compliance Annex: Structure and functions of the Implementation Committee and procedures for review of compliance
(Annex III)
  Amended, see ECE/EB.AIR/75, Annex 5
Decision 1997/1 Rules and conditions for joint implementation under the Oslo Protocol
(Annex I)