Dr. Vadim DONCHENKO, Chair of the Bureau THE PEP
Mrs. Rimma FILIPPOVA, Head of Department, JSC NIIAT
Mr. Matthias RINDERKNECHT, Advisor, Federal Office of Transport, Switzerland
Mr. Alexander MOROZOV, Director of Transport Planning and Forecasting, Infrastructure Economics Centre (LLC), Vice-President of the International Association of Urban Electric Transport, Russian Federation
Dr. Dimitrios DIMITRIOU, Chairman of the Board, Athens International Airport, Assistant Professor, Economics School of Social, Political & Economic Sciences, Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh), Greece
Mr. Alexander GERASIMOV, First Deputy Director, Scientific-Research and Design Institute of Moscow Urban Transport «MosTransProekt», Russian Federation
Mrs. Gulnara ROLL, Head, Housing and Land Management Unit, Forests, Land and Housing Division, UNECE
Mr. Stefan ROSEANU, Rossada Innovative Solutions (SRL), Romania