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Project Management

UN Development Account Projects

The Development Account is a mechanism to fund capacity development projects of the economic and social entities of the United Nations. All projects are detailed in the Development Account portal managed by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA).

Extrabudgetary Projects

During the 2013 review of UNECE, member States decided, through decision A(65), para.31(a) of Annex III (E/20132/37 p.26) that:

the mobilization, allocation and use of extrabudgetary resources should be done in accordance with the UN rules and procedures, in support of ECE's mandate and subject to EXCOM's approval of extrabudgetary projects. To assure transparency and accountability on the use of these resources, EXCOM should be informed, throughout the project cycle, of the use of resources and the concrete results achieved;

Project Monitoring Tool

Under this framework, the Project Monitoring Tool (PMT) provides information on all active projects funded from extra-budgetary resources and UNDA.