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Energy Efficiency


Energy Efficiency

Matters related to energy efficiency are among the priority areas of work of the Committee on Sustainable Energy, and are addressed by one of its subsidiary bodies – the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency. The Group of Experts works to help achieve significant improvements in energy efficiency as energy resource of its own right, that would limit growth or even reduce energy consumption, help improve access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint of the energy sector: the cleanest, and arguably most affordable source of energy is the one that has not been used

Broader and expeditious deployment of energy efficiency measures across buildings, industry, transport, and other end-use sectors serves maintaining and increasing resilience of energy systems in a cost-effective manner, improves their durability and flexibility, reduces system's redundancy, and strengthens ability to absorb shocks and recover.
Stakeholders need to rethink energy efficiency, as well as the resource use optimization that it offers. As part of such perception change, energy efficiency must be fundamentally embedded and prioritized in energy policies and development strategies - to achieve higher systemic efficiencies and ensure overall net benefits to the energy system and its actors throughout the value chain.

The Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency holds its annual sessions and serves as a platform for inclusive expert dialogue focusing on regulatory and policy dialogue and addressing financial, technical and policy barriers with the aim to strengthen regional cooperation and cross-sectoral action on energy efficiency. In the intersessional period, the Group of Experts implements concrete and result-oriented activities, including, but not limited to hosting thematic events and undertaking research and analysis. To join the Group of Experts and participate in its activities, please contact us.

The Group of Experts also oversees and manages activities of its three thematic Task Forces.

Task Force on Industrial Energy Efficiency
  • capacity-building activities aiding increased collaboration between policymakers and the industrial sector and exchange of experience and information sharing on barriers, drivers, and options for improving energy efficiency and energy productivity in industry;
  • research addressing evolving priorities, challenges, and opportunities in advancing industrial energy efficiency;
  • identification of best practices in increasing energy efficiency in key industries, and development of policy actions to foster implementation of energy efficiency measures and progress towards carbon neutrality in industry.
Joint Task Force on Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings

Coordinated by the Committees on Sustainable Energy Division and on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management

  • maintenance, update, and deployment of Framework Guidelines on Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings;
  • workshops and train-the-trainer seminars on high-performance buildings and energy efficiency standards, in line with the Framework Guidelines.
Task Force on Digitalization in Energy
  • monitoring of new and emerging trends in the digitalization in energy domain, that enable advances in connectivity, data, analytics, optimization of the overall energy infrastructure, and can greatly increase overall efficiency of the energy system;
  • in-depth research and comprehensive assessment of opportunities and challenges that digitalization presents to the energy system, including notably the socio-economic context, to provide a clear, concise and balanced view to policymakers and other stakeholders;
  • workshops, information sharing sessions, roundtables for policymakers on relevant topics, to bridge the gap between academic research, industrial innovations, and policy needs;
  • serving as an umbrella for the subsidiary bodies of the Committee on Sustainable Energy to conduct relevant research and assess sectoral opportunities and challenges.

ECE/ENERGY/2023/10 - Work Plan of the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency for 2024-2025





Quick access to previous sessions of the Group of Experts

Tenth session: 5-6 October 2023
Ninth session: 3-4 October 2022
Eighth session: 20-21 September 2021
Seventh session: 22-23 September 2020
Sixth session: 7-8 October 2019
Fifth session: 13-15 November 2018
Fourth session: 31 October - 1 November 2017
Third session: 18-19 October 2016
Second session: 5-6 November 2015
First session: 17-18 November 2014

In focus

Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency, eleventh session

16 September - 17 September 2024

Preparations are underway for the upcoming eleventh session of the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency (16-17 September 2024, Palais des Nations, Geneva), as part of the Sustainable Energy Week 2024 comprising sessions of the Group of Experts on Renewable Energy, the Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems, and the Committee on Sustainable Energy.
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