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Displaying Results 781 - 800 of 2825

- English
Ministers and Heads of Delegation from the member States of the United Nations  Economic  Commission  for  Europe  (UNECE)  met at the seventy-eighth session of the UNECE Committee on Housing and Land Management to discuss  the  challenges  and opportunities of sustainable housing in liveable cities and sustainable human settlements, and to mark the seventieth anniversary of the Committee. The
- Pусский
Ежегодный обзор рынка лесных товаров, 2016–2017 годы, содержит всеобъемлющий анализ положения на рынках в регионе ЕЭК ООН, а также информацию о внешних факторах, влияющих на ситуацию в этом регионе. Он охватывает все этапы производственно-распределительной цепочки, от леса до конечного потребителя, т.е. от производства круглого леса и лесоматериалов первичной обработки до выпуска товаров с
- English
ECE/TIM/SP/41 The Forest Products Annual Market Review 2016-2017 provides a comprehensive analysis of markets in the UNECE region and reports on the main market influence outside the UNECE region. It covers the range of products from the forest to the end-user: from roundwood and primary processed products to value-added and housing. Statistics-based chapters analyse the markets for wood raw
- English
Regional Advocacy Paper: Building More Inclusive, Sustainable and Prosperous Societies in Europe and Central Asia This regional advocacy paper provides key policy recommendations that can help countries overcome the existing development bottlenecks and boost the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, leaving no one behind.  
- English
  Regional Advocacy Paper: Building More Inclusive, Sustainable and Prosperous Societies in Europe and Central Asia This regional advocacy paper provides key policy recommendations that can help countries overcome the existing development bottlenecks and boost the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, leaving no one behind.  
- Pусский
Implementation Plan for the Strategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Dnister River Basin Download the publication in English and Russian.    
- English
Implementation Plan for the Strategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Dnister River Basin Download the publication in English and Russian.    
- English
This policy brief synthesizes the main findings and recommendations from the assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus ─ essentially of intersectoral links, trade-offs and benefits ─ in the Alazani/Ganykh River Basin, shared by Azerbaijan and Georgia in the Caucasus, that has been carried out in the framework of the UNECE Water Convention’s programme of work for 2013–2015. The
- English
Following the annual Market Discussions of the Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (former Timber Committee), the Committee issues a statement which includes: overview of the forest products sector, developments in specific forest product market sectors, sawn softwood and sawn hardwood, wood-based panels, wood raw materials including wood energy, pulp and paper, certified forest
- English
  The public sector plays a very significant role in modern economies. As in the business sector, innovation can be a major source of productivity growth, cost savings and improvements in service quality; benefits which then also positively affect businesses and citizens who rely on an efficient and effective public sector. The ability of the public sector to innovate is therefore
- English
  Innovation is a pillar of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and of approaches to economic development across the world. This is particularly prominent in Belarus, with its legacy of world-class scientific research and industrial production, where the Government has reformed its national innovation system in line with UNECE’s recommendations in its first UNECE
- English
ECE/TRANS/271, Sales No. E.17.VIII.2,ISBN 978-92-1-139160-2, Price: US$ 35, Languages: E, F, RThe Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for such Carriage (ATP) was done at Geneva on 1 September 1970 and entered into force on 21 November 1976.             The objectives of the ATP are to facilitate international transport of
- English
ECE/TIM/DP/67 The ECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission emerged from the International Timber Conference held in 1947 as the key elements of the United Nations tasked with working on matters related to the forest sector in Europe. During their first 70 years of joint activity, the Committee and the Commission have contributed to post war reconstruction, to the expansion
- English
This publication has been developed within the framework of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. It provides a series of case studies on smart governance, smart people and smart economy, which will catapult successful smart city practices into the global spotlight.ENG
- English
This publication has been developed within the framework of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. It provides a study of the advantages of using ICTs to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 11, by facilitating the missing linkages that exist between sustainability policies and urban-planning practices through digitally-enabled
- English
This publication has been developed within the framework of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. It provides an overview of how cities can use information and communication technologies (ICTs) to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also maps the case studies to the various international agreements as well as the SDGs.
- English
This publication has been developed within the framework of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. It provides cities with a methodology on how to collect data or information from key performance indicators (KPIs) for smart sustainable cities (SSC). This set of KPIs for SSC were developed to establish the criteria to evaluate ICT's contributions in making cities smarter and
- English
- English
A small landlocked country, the Republic of Moldova remains one of the poorest countries in South East Europe, with the economy showing continued dependence on low value-added manufacturing and agriculture along with remittances from workers abroad for income generation. The country is yet to reap the benefits of the intensive reform efforts, which have been