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Displaying Results 21 - 40 of 125

- Pусский
Эта брошюра по Конвенции, имеющей преимущественную силу в вопросах выдачи/использования национальных водительских удостоверений (НВУ) и международных водительских удостоверений (МВУ) была одобрена WP.1 на своей восемьдесят второй сессии в марте 2021 года.
- English
The information contained in this brochure on a Charter of Road Traffic Victims’ Rights which is the joint initiative of the WP.1 secretariat, the Institute for European Traffic Law and the Council of Bureaux was welcomed and supported by WP.1 at its eighty-second session in March 2021.
- Français
Cette brochure sur la Convention en vigueur pour la délivrance/utilisation des permis de conduire nationaux (DDP) et internationaux (IDP) a été approuvée par le WP.1 lors de sa quatre-vingt-deuxième session en mars 2021.
- English
This brochure on the Prevailing Convention for the issue/use of Domestic Driving Permits (DDPs) and International Driving Permits (IDPs) was endorsed by WP.1 at its eighty-second session in March 2021.
- English
This Handbook for national master plans for freight transport and logistics has been elaborated with the aim to showcase the importance of the freight sector for the national economic development, and more importantly to assist national authorities in charge of freight transport and logistics with potential actions in accompanying the sector development to follow a sustainable path in support of
- Pусский
Данное руководство по подготовке национальных генеральных планов в области грузовых перевозок и логистики было разработано с целью продемонстрировать значение сектора грузовых перевозок для национального экономического развития и, что еще важнее, с целью предоставить национальным органам, отвечающим за грузовые перевозки и логистику, информацию о возможных действиях, направляющих развитие этого
- Français
Le Manuel pour l'élaboration de plans directeurs nationaux sur le transport de marchandises et la logistique a été élaboré en vue de montrer l'importance du secteur du fret pour le développement économique national et, surtout, d'aider les autorités nationales responsables du transport de marchandises et de la logistique à accompagner le développement du secteur sur une voie durable favorable au
- Pусский
Международные железнодорожные пассажирские перевозки имеют фундаментальное значение для перемещения людей через границы в регионе ЕЭК. Их центральная роль была подчеркнута в резолюции № 264 Комитета по внутреннему транспорту. Пандемия COVID-19, помимо негативных экономических последствий, которые еще предстоит преодолеть, дает возможность пересмотреть роль железнодорожного транспорта в регионе
- English
International rail passenger transport is of fundamental importance to the movement of people across borders in the ECE region. Its central role was highlighted in Inland Transport Committee Resolution No. 264. The COVID-19 pandemic offers, beyond its negative economic impacts that remain to be recovered from, the opportunity to reconsider the role of rail transport in the ECE region and further
- English
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has placed our increasingly interconnected world in an unprecedented situation. This crisis has generated human distress and an economic downturn that is impacting global efforts to improve livelihoods and achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As the early response to restraining the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, limited
- English
In 2010, the United Nations General Assembly (resolution 64/255) proclaimed a Decade of Action for Road Safety ("Decade"). As part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the goal of the Decade (2011-2020) is to stabilize and then reduce the forecast level of road traffic deaths around the world.  SDG 3.6 By 2020 halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents SDG
- Pусский
В 2002 году государства-члены Европейского региона ЕЭК и ВОЗ разработали Общеевропейскую программу по транспорту, окружающей среде и охране здоровья (ОПТОСОЗ). ОПТОСОЗ обеспечивает межсекторальные и межправительственные политические механизмы, что способствует развитию мобильности и транспортных стратегий, которые учитывают проблемы окружающей среды и здоровья. За все эти годы в рамках ОПТОСОЗ
- English
Member States in the ECE and WHO European Region established the Transport,Health and Environment Pan European Programme (THE PEP) in 2002. By providing an intersectoral and intergovernmental policy framework, THE PEP promotes mobility and transport strategies that integrate environmental and health concerns. Over the years, THE PEP has led to the development of implementation mechanisms to
- Français
Il existe 59 instruments juridiques onusiens dans le domaine des transports intérieurs qui sont administrés par le Comité des Transports Intérieurs de la Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe (CEE-ONU). Parmi les 59 conventions, sept instruments dans le domaine de la sécurité routière sont considérés comme des priorités pour l’adhésion:- 1968 Convention sur la circulation
- Spanish(西班牙语)
Existen 59 instrumentos jurídicos de las Naciones Unidas en el ámbito del transporte terrestre que son administrados por la Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para Europa (CEPE). De las 59 convenciones, siete instrumentos se consideran prioritarios en seguridad vial para la adhesión:- Convención de 1968 sobre la circulación vial;- Convención de 1968 sobre la señalización vial;- Acuerdo
- English
There are 59 United Nations legal instruments in the area of inland transport which are administered by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Of the 59 conventions, seven road safety instruments are considered to be priorities for accession:  - 1968 Convention on Road Traffic; - 1968 Convention on Road Signs and Signals; - 1958 Agreement concerning the Adoption of
- English
As part of the ongoing work on THE PEP a Study on good practices in Mobility Management has been published.Drawing on concrete experiences from across the Pan-European region, the guide, developed under the Transport Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP), provides practical policy considerations enriched by a total of 22 good practices from 17 countries that set out the
- English
  ECE/TRANS/290, Sales No. E.20.VIII.2, ISBN 978-92-1-117241-6, Price: US$ 35, Languages: E, F, R   The Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for such Carriage (ATP) was done at Geneva on 1 September 1970 and entered into force on 21 November 1976. The objectives of the ATP are to facilitate international transport
- English
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a new mobility concept gaining pace in many cities around the world. Its value proposition concerns integration of mobility services which is realized by providing trip planning and one-stop fare purchase for the user through a single platform.Since MaaS is only emerging, the analysis of real-life demonstrations is still limited and, thus, evidence on the
- English
Regional maps available here Extreme weather events, some of which are increasing in intensity and frequency, as well as slower onset climate changes (for example, sea level rise) and cumulative effects can result in transportation infrastructure damages, operational disruptions, and