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Implementation of the ITS Roadmap (2021-2025)

Current UNECE Roadmap on ITS

The revised Roadmap on ITS 2021-2025 was adopted by The Inland Transport Committee at its February 2021 session

An overview of activities for 2021 was presented to the The Inland Transport Committee at its February 2022 session.

The 18 actions defined in the Road Map

This Road Map contains 18 Actions that aim to guide the work of ITC in the field of ITS during the period 2021–2025. 

Action 1 - Reaching a common definition for ITS Action

Action 2 - Harmonising policies 

Action 3 - Forging International Cooperation 

Action 4 - Facilitating interoperability via ITS Reference Architecture 

Action 5 - Ensuring data security 

Action 6 - Promoting vehicle-to-infrastructure communication 

Action 7 - Vehicle - to - vehicle communication

Action 8 - Improving road safety

Action 9 - Enabling safer Transport of Dangerous Goods

Action 10 - Integrating with Rail Transport

Action 11 - Integrating with Inland Water Transport

Action 12 - Enhancing the modal integrator’s role of ITS

Action 13 - Developing cost-benefit assessment methodologies

Action 14 - Improving the long-term environmental sustainability of transport

Action 15 - Promoting analytical work amongst Contracting Parties

Action 16 - Contributing to capacity building, education and awareness raising, with special attention to emerging economies

Action 17 - Organising the United Nations Annual Round Table on ITS

Action 18 - Wheeled vehicle automation and emerging technologies


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