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Displaying Results 1 - 20 of 28

- English
This publication contains the results of a survey on improving housing affordability in the UNECE region, conducted in 2020. The UNECE Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management (CUDHLM) organized this survey to explore the views of UNECE member States on key challenges, policies and needs in relation to housing affordability. The aim was to inform the UNECE secretariat how it
- English
This publication is a guidance document for establishing Geneva UN Charter Centres of Excellence to implement the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing. It provides guidelines for the mode of work of the Centres and the organization of communication between the Centres, the Housing and Land Management secretariat and the Committee.  
- English
This publication clarifies the scope and salient features of sharing economy activities in the housing market, drawing on a review of literature as well as available data on short-term rentals in the UNECE region. It also highlights the main regulatory approaches to the sharing economy. The sharing activity specific to the housing sector involves sharing housing space in exchange for part of the
- English
The WPLA, in cooperation with the Overseas Development Institute, United Kingdom (ODI); and Global Land Alliance, United States (GLA), produced the report “Sustainable Development and Security of Property Rights  in the UNECE Region: An assessment of perceived tenure security for land and housing”. This report uses data on perceived security of property rights for land and housing across the
- Pусский
Рабочая группа активно сотрудничает с Институтом зарубежного развития (ODI, Великобритания) и Глобальным альянсом по вопросам землепользования (GLA, Соединенные Штаты Америки) - организациями, которые занимаются разработкой, публикацией «Индекса имущественных прав» (Prindex) и подготовлением отчета «Устойчивое развитие и уровень защищенности имущественных прав в регионе ЕЭК ООН: Оценка
- Pусский
Руководителям, принимающим решения в сфере земельного администрирования, необходимо широкое понимание новых проблем и тенденций, определяющих будущий облик сектора. Для этого Рабочая группа по управлению земельными ресурсами разработала сценарии для будущих решений в области земельного администрирования и управления земельными ресурсами. В настоящем исследовании рассматриваются сценарии будущего
- English
Decision makers in the field of land administration need a broad understanding of emerging issues and developments that are expected to shape the future of the sector. To this end, the UNECE Working Party on Land Administration elaborated scenarios for future land administration and land management solutions. This study discusses the future scenarios for the land administration sector, based on
- English
This publication is based on the “Study on Fraud in Land Administration Systems” presented at the Twelfth Session of the Working Party on Land Administration in 2021. It is an update to the 2011 “Study on the Challenges of Fraud to Land Administration Institutions" (ECE/HBP/165). It analyses the current state of play and best practices in addressing fraud in land administration systems in the ECE
- English
This publication is an update to the 2005 study on “Guiding Principles for Public-Private Partnership in Land Administration” (ECE/HBP/WP.7/2005/8). It evaluates the existing principles of public-private partnerships in land administration to help land administration authorities to familiarize themselves with the best practices of ECE member States and develop their strategies for the future. It
- English
This publication - #Housing2030: Effective policies for affordable housing in the UNECE region – was developed within #Housing2030, a joint international initiative of UNECE, UN-Habitat and Housing Europe. It explores housing affordability challenges and existing policy instruments for improving housing affordability in the UNECE region and facilitates the exchange and dissemination of good
- English
This study is a compendium of best practices and illustrates that housing for migrants and refugees can positively support local communities and economies, and facilitate their integration. The study also highlights the key roles of cities and local administrations in housing provision.
- English
This publication is a brief, practical and easy-to-read guide, explaining how to structure a programme for the formalization of informal constructions. The focus is on the formalization process itself, but there are also descriptions of the preparatory work needed to analyze problem magnitude, as well as how to find political acceptance, identify post-formalization factors, and identify the root
- English
This report presents final results of a study on benchmarking in land administration on the costs for registration/transfer of real estate and mortgages for the ECE region. The study covers costs of the registration of transfers, establishment of mortgages, subdivision of a land parcel and inspection fees for the registers.  
- Pусский
Данная публикация– это результат исследования, проведенного с целью сбора всесторонней информации о системах управления земельными ресурсами разных стран. Данное исследование включает в себя большое количество аспектов, некоторые из которых относятся к услугам этих стран, применению ими электронных технологий при оказании услуг, защите странами собственных данных и возможностям восстановления ими
- English
The study presented here is the result of a survey to gather comprehensive information on countries' land administration systems. This includes the efficiency of their services, the security of their data and their ability to recover data and services in the event of a disaster, to name only a few of the aspects covered.  
- English
This publication presents the results and the conclusions drawn from the analysis of surveys on online access to land-registration information that were distributed among UNECE member States after the sixth session of the UNECE Working Party on Land Administration. The study consolidates and presents good practices in the detection and prevention of fraud in land registration systems in UNECE
- English
Guidance and Good Practice for the Application of Fees and Charges for Real Property Cadastre and Registration Services (2009) This study is based on the outcomes of a questionnaire that surveyed existing practices on fees and charges for cadastre and land registration services in the UNECE region. The study elaborates on the questionnaire's findings on existing knowledge and country experiences
- English
This study identifies the role and benefits of spatial planning, the particular challenges vis-à-vis spatial planning that face countries in transition, its key principles, the division of roles and responsibilities, the main stages in the process of developing spatial plans, and priority actions for countries in transition. Russian
- Pусский
Эта публикация является еще одним вкладом ЕЭК ООН в продолжающийся процесс совершенствования систем управления земельными ресурсами в регионе. В нем учтены изменения, произошедшие после публикации в 1996 году Руководства по управлению земельными ресурсами.  
- English
This publication is a further contribution of UNECE in the ongoing process of improving land administration systems in the region. It takes into account the developments that have taken place since the publication in 1996 of the Guidelines on Land Administration. Languages: English, Russian