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Displaying Results 61 - 80 of 99

- English
- English
While the Aarhus Convention primarily addresses issues at the national level, its Parties have committed themselves, through article 3, paragraph 7, of the Convention, to promote the application of the principles of the Convention in international environmental decision-making processes and within the framework of international organizations in matters relating to the environment.At their
- English
Kazakhstan Readmore - Also available in Russian
- English
- English
- English
Germany Read more (February 2005)Statement of the German Advisory Council on the Environment Beteiligungsrechte im Umweltschutz [Public Participation in Environmental Protection - What does the
- English
25 years of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution  
- Français
Brochure du 25e anniversaire de la Convention et ses Protocoles Genève, 2004 Readmore
- English
25th Anniversary brochure on the Convention and its Protocols  
- English
Your rights under the Environmental Legislation of the EU ENGVos droits sous la legislation environnementale de l'UE FRE
- Français
Directives pour l’estimation et la communication des données d’émission dans le cadre de la  Convention sur la pollution atmosphérique transfrontièreà longue distanceNew York et Genève, 2003Readmore
- English
Guidelines for Estimating and reporting Emission Data under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Note, that these emission reporting guidelines were revised in 2009 and the updated guidelines (document ECE/EB.AIR/97) can be found at the website of CEIP ( (Centre for Emission
- English
2002 Review prepared under The Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution  
- Pусский
Обзор 2002 года, подготовленный в соответствии с Конвенцией о трансграничном загрязнении воздуха на большие расстоянияНью-Йорк и Женева, 2004 Readmore