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Displaying Results 121 - 140 of 180

- Français
Brochure du 25e anniversaire de la Convention et ses Protocoles Genève, 2004 Readmore
- English
25th Anniversary brochure on the Convention and its Protocols  
- English
This is the first EPR of Tajikistan published by ECE. The report covers twelve issues of importance to Tajikistan, concerning the framework for environmental policy, management of pollution and natural resources and economic and sectoral integration. Among the issues receiving special attention during the reviews were poverty, environment and economy; the policy, legal and institutional
- English
Your rights under the Environmental Legislation of the EU ENGVos droits sous la legislation environnementale de l'UE FRE
- English
This is the first EPR of Georgia. Special attention was given during the reviews to the quality, use and supply of water resources, including drinking water, air and waste management, economic instruments, international cooperation, integration of environmental consideration into economic development, the policy framework, the implementation of national and international legislation,
- Français
Directives pour l’estimation et la communication des données d’émission dans le cadre de la  Convention sur la pollution atmosphérique transfrontièreà longue distanceNew York et Genève, 2003Readmore
- English
Guidelines for Estimating and reporting Emission Data under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Note, that these emission reporting guidelines were revised in 2009 and the updated guidelines (document ECE/EB.AIR/97) can be found at the website of CEIP ( (Centre for Emission
- English
The publication is about the first EPR of Azerbaijan. The report covers twelve issues of importance to Azerbaijan, divided into three sections, including the framework for environmental policy, management of pollution and natural resources and economic and sectoral integration. Among the issues receiving special attention during the reviews were the policy, legal and institutional
- English
2002 Review prepared under The Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution  
- Pусский
Обзор 2002 года, подготовленный в соответствии с Конвенцией о трансграничном загрязнении воздуха на большие расстоянияНью-Йорк и Женева, 2004 Readmore
- Français
Examen 2002 effectué en vertu de la Conventionsur la pollution atmosphérique transfrontière а longue distance New York  et Genève, 2004 Readmore
- Pусский
Руководящие принципы оценки и представления данных о выбросахНью-Йорк и Женева, 2003 Readmore
- English
Your Right to Know About Sources of Pollution ENG
- English
Your Right to Know About Sources of Pollution   Read More in ENG
- Pусский
инуло 10 лет с того времени, когда ЕЭК ООН получила мандат на проведение обзоров результативности экологической деятельности. Проведенный ЕЭК ООН анализ, содержащийся в настоящей публикации, призван отметить это десятилетие, оценить достигнутый прогресс и предложить для этой программы ориентиры на будущее.  
- Français
Il y a 10 ans, la CEE se voyait attribuer la tâche d’entreprendre des études de performance envi­ronnementale. Pour marquer la décennie écoulée, évaluer les progrès accomplis et proposer les nouvelles orientations du programme, elle a entrepris l’analyse qui est reproduite dans la présente publication.