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Displaying Results 951 - 975 of 1265

Rising population and increasing urbanization will have a massive global impact on the demand for energy and raw materials. Many countries will increasingly look to secure sustainable supplies of energy and minerals by proactively developing their domestic resource base where available.…
A goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels” (Goal 16). One way of analysing justice systems in…
How to make the most of the recommendations contained in UNECE Environmental Performance Reviews (EPRs)? How to involve the public in decisions affecting the environment, making public participation effective? How to involve better the private sector in the development and implementation of…
On 25 January 2017, a national round-table discussion on legal implementation of the UNECE Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment was held in Astana, Kazakhstan. Underpinning the round table was a legislative review prepared by UNECE experts, assessing the existing legislative…
How to deliver on the national commitments on energy in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement? This is the key question that will be at the center of debates at the Ministerial meeting on energy to take place on 11 June 2017 at the outset of the…
In the UNECE region, employed people spend two to three hours per day on domestic work[1] according to data from time-use surveys around 2010. But these average figures hide wide gender differences: for example, employed women in Albania spend eight times as long on domestic tasks as employed…
The inability to identify and assess energy efficiency projects and inadequate price signals on energy markets are key challenges to improving energy efficiency in industry.  Without correct price signals, designing and implementing effective energy efficiency measures that mobilize…
Kazakhstan is assessing the prospects for developing a strategic environmental assessment system. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) helps to evaluate the likely environmental (including health) and social consequences related to implementing strategic decisions (national plans and…
An intersectoral (nexus) approach to managing water, energy, land resources and ecosystems has a significant potential to improve sustainability in the Syr Darya River Basin in Central Asia. This is the main conclusion of a technical report just issued by the United Nations Economic Commission…
Four UNECE member States are showcasing their actions on producing, trading, transforming and consuming energy in an exhibition on display until 24 January 2017 in the Palais des Nations, E-Building. The exhibition features selected examples of ongoing energy transition in Azerbaijan, Germany,…
The new technologies paving the way to vehicle automation for freight movements on motorways offer promising prospects for increasing safety and reducing drivers’ workload. Recent developments and future trends in this field, including safety, traffic management and the socio-economic impact of…
As highlighted by recent political developments in several UNECE countries, migration continues to play a substantial role in shaping responses to economic and foreign policy challenges. Member countries of the United Nations recently emphasised the importance of addressing migrant movements in…
Who is telling the story? Changes in the proportion of women among journalists since 2000 In today’s data-rich environment, the news media plays a vital role in identifying and reporting the most useful and relevant topics to the general public. But who is telling the story?One target of the 2030…
Should the public be consulted about whether to extend the lifetime of a chemical or nuclear plant? Should the public have a say when there is a proposed change to a mining activity? What about the rights of future generations? Are their interests protected when deciding on sustainable…
Transboundary water cooperation often brings many more benefits than expected, but they are frequently not fully perceived by and not appropriately communicated to policy-makers. The Policy Guidance on Identifying, Assessing and Communicating Benefits of Transboundary water Cooperation,…
The Government of Kyrgyzstan has stressed the necessity to enhance its national innovation system as one of the priorities of its National Sustainable Development Strategy for the period 2013-2017. The strategy has highlighted the need to strengthen linkages between, on the one hand, the…
The Drin River basin, shared by five Riparians: Albania, Greece, Kosovo (UNMIK, Security Council resolution 1244), Montenegro and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, faces several acute challenges, such as loss of biodiversity, pollution and frequent floods. The basin includes three major…
In 2014, renewable energy accounted for 14% of the world’s global total primary energy supply, according to the International Energy Agency.  Solid biofuels represented the largest share of this, amounting to 44.5% in the EU. These are any renewable, biological material used as fuel such as…
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will require coordination across sectors, coherent policies, and integrated planning. It is increasingly clear that authorities need to “break the silos” of their sectoral mandates and work in better coordination across different sectors. The…
UNECE environmental performance reviews (EPRs) can play an important role in supporting the achievement and monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). EPRs can assess the progress made by a country in achieving the relevant SDGs, identify challenges and provide recommendations to…
Following up on member States’ pledges to improve air quality across the region at the Eighth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference in Batumi, Georgia earlier this year (8-10 June 2016), Parties to the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention) this week…
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (A/RES/70/1) calls upon the United Nations to reposition itself to respond to the needs of countries in a number of cross-cutting areas. In particular, it requires that the follow up and review processes for monitoring its implementation needs to be…
Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and environmental impact assessment (EIA) are tools for greening economic development at the planning and project levels. Since 2013, UNECE has supported Georgia’s efforts towards establishing full-scale national SEA and EIA systems in accordance with the…
Delegations from Bulgaria and Tajikistan meeting with expert representatives from other UNECE countries in Geneva from 6 to 8 December 2016 discussed and finalized recommendations arising from environmental performance reviews (EPRs) undertaken in those countries. In January 2017, the Committee…
While countries in Europe and Central Asia are taking the first steps towards achieving the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the entities of the UN system in the region are continuing to connect the dots and align their activities to support these efforts.Under the…